Parts of Speech
Writing Questions
Figurative Language
Vocabulary 1
Writing Notes
This type of word is a person, place, thing, or idea.

A Quip, Quote, or Question can be used in this part of the Opening for an essay.

What is the Hook?

Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. The flower was soft as silk. a.) simile b.) personification c.) hyperbole

They are the 3 C's of editing an essay.

What are clear, correct and concise.


The writer uses this to tell the reader the main idea of an essay.  It is often the first sentence of the paragraph.  

What is the Thesis Statement?

Where are you going? Which words in this sentence are VERBS?
are, going

I think _____ is the best choice for the sentence below:

A) Perhaps; B) Therefore; C) However; D) Since

  • James left home early; ______, he did not reach school in time for first period. 

What is C) However?

Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. The clouds rolled in ominously. The sky looked angry. a.) metaphor b.) personification c.) hyperbole
b.) personification

This is the ending part of an informative essay which includes a call to action.

What is a conclusion, or closing.

What two things do you need to make an inference?

What is background knowledge and information from the text?

I am getting awfully hungry mom! What word in this sentence is an ADVERB?

The best word to put in the sentence below is this.

  1. I talked to the girl         car had broken down in front of the shop.

A) Who; B) Whose; C) Which

What is C) Whose

The salsa was so hot, my tongue began to melt. a.) simile b.) onomatopeia c.) hyperbole
c.) hyperbole

Examples of these are a picture, a chart, a hyperlink.

What is a text feature?

Using context clues and word parts to help you, what part of speech is the following word: ominous The blackened sky appeared ominous and we all ran inside for cover.
Ominous is an adjective. Ominous is describing the sky, a noun, which makes this describing word an adjective.
I woke to an obnoxious sound outside my window. What part of speech is the word "obnoxious"?

This is best conjunctive adverb to use in the below sentence.

A) Nevertheless; B) Because; C) Since; D) Consequently 

“He was exhausted; ______, he continued to push forward to the end of the race.

What is A) Nevertheless?

"Oh no....AH-CHOO! Sniffle, I need a tissue please." a.) onomatopoeia b.) idiom c.) personification
a.) onomatopoeia

This explains a text feature, including its source.

What is a caption?

This using drawings or doodling to help you take notes.

What is Sketch noting?

This type of noun is special and requires a capital letter.
What is a proper noun.

True or False:  

The difference between a Compound Sentence and a Complex Sentence is this:  A Complex Sentence has two independent clauses joined by a conjunction (FANBOYS).  

What is False?

Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. "Could you please put a sock in it? I'm trying to focus!" a.) idiom b.) metaphor c.) hyperbole
a.) idiom

This is a list of what is covered on each page or slide.

What is a table of contents?


I picked up a woozle and turned it around. It was slippery, wiggly, and goopidy goopy. What part of speech is a "woozle"? How do you know?

Woozle is a nonsense word used as a NOUN. Nouns have an article (a, an, the) before it and the sentence states that it can be touched and manipulated. For these reasons, I know it's a noun.