Parts of Speech

Find a noun and verb in the following sentence:

The student finished his homework.

Nouns- Student or Homework

Verb- finished


Which words need to be capitalized in this sentence:

i am going to walmart later with my mom.

I, Walmart


Daniel and Bederly got into an argument about which video game is better.

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Supernatural

Character vs. Character 


True or false

This sentence needs comma before 'and':

I am going to study and go to bed afterwards.

What is false?


True or False:

Setting contributes to the mood the scene or novel. 

What is true?


Find a noun, verb and adjective:

I swam in the big lake.

Noun: Lake

Verb: Swam

Adjective: Lake


Which words need to be capitalized in the following sentence:

my birthday is february 26th and is on a sunday this year.

My, February, Sunday


Bryan wanted to come to school, but he felt too sick to get out of bed.

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Supernatural

Character vs. Nature


his sentence utilizes commas correctly:

a) The sunset was a vivid, beautiful, and, vibrant shade of orange.

b) The sunset was a vidid, beautiful, and vibrant, shade of orange.

c) The sunset was a vivid, beautiful, and vibrant shade of orange.

What is c) The sunset was a vivid, beautiful, and vibrant shade of orange?


True or false:

Tone is how the author/character feel 

What is true?


Correctly identify 3 adjectives:

My favorite shirt is black and sparkly.

Adjectives: Favorite, black, sparkly


Which words need to be capitalized in the following sentence:

the best season is fall because halloween is my favorite holiday.

The, Halloween


Brandon, Matthew, and Anderson have been tricked by the school ghost, Tommy. (He stole their pencils)

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Supernatural

Character vs. Supernatural


This sentence utilizes commas correctly:

a) The student yelled, "Hello!", out of the bus window.

b) The student yelled "Hello!", out of the bus window.

c) The student, yelled 'Hello!", out of the bus window.

What is a) The student yelled, "Hello!", out of the bus window.


What is the correct spelling of this word?

a) Preserve

b) Perserve

What is a) Preserve?


Correctly identify 3 adverbs in the following sentence:

Outside, the sun was shining really brightly.

Adverbs- Outside, really, beautifully


Which words need to be capitalized in the following sentence:

jayden and i went to target to buy sour patch kids.

Jayden, I, Sour, Patch, Kids


Steven struggled to make a decision to play outside or go to the gym for Rewards Club. 

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Supernatural

Character vs. Self


This sentence utilizes commas correctly:

a) We watched the movie, Home Alone, before Christmas break. 

b) My teacher Ms. Z assigned homework. 

c) Before school, yesterday I made pancakes.

What is a) We watched the movie, Home Alone, before Christmas break.?


Please do no ____________ your sister.

a) Emanate

b) Tantalize

c) Preserve

What is b) Tantalize?


Correctly identify a noun, verb, adjective and (2) adverbs in the following sentence:

My little brother quickly ran downstairs.

Noun- brother

Verb- ran

adjective- little

adverb- Quickly, downstairs


Which words need to be capitalized in the following sentence:

we read the book, percy jackson and the lightning thief in english class.

We, Percy, Jackson, Lightning, Thief, English


Junior is protesting outside of the school to fight for 4-day school weeks.

Character vs. Society


The following sentence uses this commas rule:

My teacher, Ms. Z, is the best.

What is to off set appositives?


How does the author create a mood or tone?

__________ ___________ (2 word answer)

What is word choice?