Figurative Language

Mrs. Smith was doing a unit on healthy living with her students. All week she taught her students about eating the correct foods like fruits and vegetables. Over the weekend, some of Mrs. Smith's students were at the mall and saw her eating pizza, a milkshake, and candy. Mrs. Smith's student Molly was going to order a salad, but now decided to order junk food too. What is the theme? 

A Actions speak louder than words 

B Never eat pizza at the mall 

C Vegetables are good for you

A.) What is Actions speak louder than words


I am very sticky, but hard to see when dry. I go round and round across the page until I eventually run out. If you stick with me, in one piece you will be. What am I?

A gluestick


Rose filled a large glass with some milk for her younger sister, Pamela, to drink. However, Pamela wanted to drink from a smaller glass. When Rose left the kitchen, Pamela got a smaller glass. "I'm going to pour all the milk from the big glass into the small glass," Pamela said. 

Make a prediction about what will happen.

Pamela's glass will be too small to hold all of the milk, so she will make a mess.


It is a comparison of 2 unlike things using the word "like" or "as".

A Simile


What is setting? 

Where a story takes place.


The Monkey and the Cookies A monkey put his hand into the jar of cookies. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the cookie jar. Unwilling to lose the cookies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears and cried bitterly. What is the theme?

A. Eating cookies can be dangerous.
B. If you are greedy, you might get nothing.
C. Don't put your hand in a jar. 

B. If you are greedy, you might get nothing.


There is a big storm today and it's going to last until tomorrow. Jimmy is supposed to pick up his friend Lily from the airport. Jimmy's phone was ringing and saw Lily's name. He picked up the phone and said, "Okay. Just inform me when you're arriving. Take care and be safe." 

What do you think Lily told Jimmy? How do you know?

Lily's flight got delayed and she won't be arriving until later, after the storm passes.


Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Toolie’s neck. He stormed out the door with Toolie coming right behind. He said, “Hurry up, Toolie. You’re always so slow.” Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw. 

How does Justin probably feel?

Angry or Upset


A comparison that is exaggerated.

A Hyperbole


Describe the setting (who, what, where)

Bikini Bottom

Underwater town where SpongeBob lives.


Growing up, Sally was always in the shadow of her older sister Mary. Mary always got better grades, was better at sports, and seemed to even be prettier. Sally spent a lot of time in the family's garden feeling sorry for herself. Then one day Mary needed help on a science project about plants. Due to all of her time in the garden, Sally knew a lot about plants and was able help Mary with the project. Sally was shocked that she was better at something than her sister. 

What is the theme?
A. Accept yourself for who you are.
B. Sports are not important
C. You can learn a lot from plants.

A. Accept yourself for who you are. 


Lauren looked at her watch, grabbed her books and ran to the bus stop. When she got to the bus stop, she realized she forgot her lunch. Lauren ran back to the house and grabbed her lunchbox. When Lauren got back to the bus stop, she realized she missed the bus. What word would best describes Lauren? 

A. playful 

B. disorganized 

C. worried 

D. athletic

B. disorganized


In the following sentence, the word reluctantly means…? Carl exits the stage to the right. Mike groans, rolls his eyes, and reluctantly follows him. 

A. playfully 

B. impatiently 

C. admiringly 

D. unwillingly

D. unwillingly


When something is called something else.

A Metaphor


As the sun set in the evening sky, Malcolm slowly turned and walked toward his home. All was silent and still. Through the window, he could see his older brother James watching a football game on the TV. James was home from his first year of college in the city. It was lonely at times, but Malcolm felt it was rather nice to not be in James’ shadow during his senior year of high school.

What is the setting?

 Malcolm’s home, and possibly the suburbs or country (his brother has gone to the city for school).


Which of the following is a theme example?

A. You will never make a shot that you don't take.

B. risking 

C. cleaning is good 

A. You will never make a shot that you don't take.


I am big and gray. I use mud to cool me down. I have a trunk but don't travel much. I knock down trees and I cannot reach the branches. What am I?



What is the word used to describe where a story takes place?



The tree danced in the cool, refreshing breeze.



Is this a setting? A Space ship.



What is the difference between the main idea of a story and the theme of a story?

The main idea is mostly what the story is about or the topic.

The theme is the life lesson or moral that the author wants us to remember. It may have nothing to do with the details of the story itself.


Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! As I walk the street I was so amazed with what I am seeing -- yellow, orange, red, and brown. I've never seen colorful leaves on the ground before. 

When is this? 

A. Spring 

B. Fall 

C. Summer 

D. Winter

B. Fall


If a story or passage is ordered in order from beginning to end, what is that called?

Chronological Order


Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers



 I could hear Tupac's music blaring as everyone around me pushed toward the front. The thrilled fans wanted to get as close to him as possible. We didn't know that we would never see him perform again.

What is the setting?

A concert stage