Fever 1793
Context Clues
Figurative Language
Author's Purpose

Which word does not describe Matilda's mother a)tense b)coddling c)strict d)demanding

b) coddling

What does key mean in this sentence: When will you learn that practice is the key to a good performance?
Important Necessary
What is the verb used in this sentence: The scientist has discussed his discovery.
has discussed

What type of figurative language is: Her dreams dried up like a raisin in the sun?

a simile

A boy brought home his report card from school. His dad looked it over. His face became red as he said, "How did you manage to make one D and five F's?" The boy answered,"I guess I concentrated too hard on one subject."
To entertain

What illness is spreading around Philadelphia in Fever 1793?

a) yellow fever

Define slink: After Mr. Franklin broke the window with the baseball, he tried to slink away without being seen.
Which word (was, were) best completes the sentence: The quiz, as well as the chapter exercises, ____ collected.

Explain the figurative language used:

She shared her shake with her sister.


Recess should be 30 minutes instead of 15 minutes because you get a longer time to talk to your friends about all sorts of stuff. You also get a longer time to play the activities you're playing. We kids would get more exercise from being outside for a longer time. The teachers would get a longer break from teaching us and we would get a longer break from all that learning. That is why I think we should have a longer recess.
To persuade

What point of view is Fever 1793 written in?

1st person (Mattie is narrating.)

Define erected: In Egypt and Mesopotamia, they erected huge obelisks and pyramids.
Correctly place the comma or commas in this sentence: My roommate was short a musician a writer and from Georgia.
My roommate was short, a musician, a writer, and from Georgia.

Identify the figurative language:

His Herculean effort to organize the play did not go unnoticed.


Tigers are solitary animals and usually hunt at night. A male tiger will have a large range that will overlap with the ranges of several females. Females give birth to two or three cubs, which they raise and train for about two years. Tigers kill a variety of animals, including deer, antelope, wild pigs, and cattle. Tigers try to remain out of sight and hearing of their enemies, especially humans; they prefer fleeing to fighting. They can be killed by wild dogs, elephants, and water buffalos. Man-eating tigers are usually individuals who are too old or sick to capture wild animals.
To inform

What is the main theme of Fever 1793?

survival in the face of natural disaster

Define flustered: With the game on the line, the player became flustered, and missed the easy shot.
Nervous or anxious
Correctly place the comma or commas in this sentence: TV commercials sometimes the most entertaining parts of a program are essentially flashy propaganda.
TV commercials, sometimes the most entertaining parts of a program, are essentially flashy propaganda.

Identify the figurative language:

It's raining cats and dogs.


In Tarpon Springs, Florida, there are people who work underwater. These people are called sponge divers. The kind of treasure they look for is called sponges. Sponge diving is not an easy job. The diver has to breathe under the water, and be careful of extreme water pressure.
To inform

What conflicts present themselves in Fever?

person vs. nature

person vs. person

person vs. society

person vs. self

Define ultimatum: The teacher gave the student an ultimatum; this was his last chance to start behaving or he would go to the principal.
last chance or last choice
Revise the sentence: Noone has ever saw a giant squid in it's natural habitat.
No one has ever saw a giant squid in it's natural habitat.

Identify the figurative language:

My sneaker squeaked like a mouse caught in a trap.

onomatopoeia and simile

William is a strong and bossy boy. His athletic body is very tall and almost higher by one head than his classmates. He has dark and tough skin that looks muscular and is often wet and sweaty. Actually, he looks like a wrestler. Since he fights with several kids without any help and won finally, he has become an idol of his classmates and has a bunch of followers. Because of the power, William is arrogant and domineering. For example, when his thundering boasts rise in the boiling class, everybody keeps quiet and listens carefully. William is easily mad and jealous if someone disagrees with him.
To entertain