Identify the nouns in the following sentence.
The dog and the cat escaped across Paris.
ParisIs the following tense in perfect present tense, perfect past tense, or perfect future tense?
She will have finished her book by Monday.
Future Perfect Tense
What type of figurative language is this?
She ate like a lion.
What is the main idea of this paragraph? What are two supporting ideas?
There are so may different types of rocks! The main three categories include igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are made from hardened lava while sedimentary rocks form from many layers of sediment being pushed together over time. In contrast, metamorphic rocks form by the gradual change of other types of rocks.MAIN IDEA: There are so may different types of rocks!
Supporting Ideas:
- Three Main Types
- Igneous rocks are made from..
- Metamorphic rocks are made from...
Identify the syllable pattern of the following words. (VV, VCV, VCCV, VCCCV)
1. vccv
2. VV
3. VCV
What are the adjectives in the following sentence?
Two brown boxes sat in front of the large door.
Two, brown, door
Conjugate the following into present participle.
Jack ___________ in Berlin. (LIVE)What type of figurative language is this?
His smile is sunshine.Metaphor
What is the main idea? What are two supporting ideas?
Have you ever though that homework is a good idea? If so, you are one in a million. In my mind, homework should be banned from all classrooms. It adds extra stress on students and prevents them from getting sleep. Also, students are already in school for seven hours every day. They don't need more work afterwards! Finally, homework should be banned because what if kids don't have internet or grown ups to help them at home?
MAIN IDEA: Homework should be banned.
Supporting Ideas:
- Stressful for students
- Students already have enough work
- Some kids don't have guardians/internet, making homework unfair.
We need to get over to them!
SP: We
OP: Them
Identify the adverbs in the following sentence.
She silently decided to go alone.
Conjugate the following into present participle.
I ___________ something at home.I AM FORGETTING something at home.
The door slammed close.
Read the following paragraph. Make an inference about who the characters and what they are doing. How do you know that?
Herlinda was sweating, but she didn't have time to wipe sweat from her face. She kept her arms up and kept her eyes on her opponent, the way his bright yellow uniform flashed in the sun and his red cleats pounded across the grass. Any moment now- There!
He gave a mighty kick, and Herlinda leapt and dove to the right.
Herlinda and the boy are football players. (Uniforms, Cleats, Grass, Kick). Herlinda is the goalie (She dives to the right.)
The boy is trying to score. (He kicks.)
Identify the subject pronoun and the object pronoun.
Greg helped us fix the roof.
OP: Us
What is the preposition? What is the prepositional phrase?
You can find the store between the pizza place and the school.PREPOSITION: BETWEEN
PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE: Between the pizza place and the school.
Conjugate the following into past perfect tense.
She __________ those streets many times before.(WALK)
She had walked those streets many times before.
Greg greedily dug in the ground for gold.
Make an inference about what Carl is worried about. Explain how you know the answer.
Carl tiptoed through the house, half holding his breath. He dodged the creaky floorboard and jumped out of the way of the toy rattle on the ground. He reached the kitchen doorway with a sigh of relief and put dinner in the microwave to heat up. As he waited, he went to get a cup of water.
The microwave beeped loudly. Carl winced when he suddenly hear crying from the bedroom, and then sighed.
Dinner would have to wait.
There's a baby that he doesn't want to wake up.
(Tiptoe, holding his breath, crying after the beep.)
What does the following prefix mean?
- Compare, Connext
With, Together
What suffix helps indicate that a word is an adverb?
Conjugate the following into present perfect tense:
They ____________ to the mall twice. (BE)
The trees danced in the breeze.
Fill in the missing topic sentence for the following paragraph:
Basketball is the best/Basketball is cool/Basketball is interesting, etc.
What does the following prefix mean?
Irregular, Illegal