Truth or Dare
Freak the Mighty

List ALL the FANBOYS. 

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


What is the AWUBIS word in the following sentence?

While you wait for class to begin, gather all of your Reading materials. 



Capitalization RULES!

Spot the mistakes:

himothy went to don donuts last saturday, and bought twelve chocolate flavored donuts. 


DARE: Read the capitalization rules while doing your best impression of a cowboy. 

"Basic capitaliztion rules include the following: Capitalize the first word of a sentence. Capitalize ALL proper nouns and names in a sentence such as names of stores, companies, streets, towns, and people. Capitalize the word "I". Capitalize names of holidays, months, and days of the week. Capitalize acronyms such as USA which stands for United States of America."


When does Freak the Mighty first make an appearence?

After Tony D chases Kevin and Max into the Millpond. 


What genre is "Freak the Mighty"?

Realistic Fiction 


Combine the following sentences. 

Students are ready for school to be over. Teachers are still having them complete assignments. 

Students are ready for school to be over, yet teachers are still having them complete assignments. 

Students are ready for school to be over, but teachers are still having them complete assignments. 


What does AWUBIS stand for?

as, while/when, until, because/by, if, since


It's Complicated:

Complex Sentences: Combine the sentences using and AWUBIS word. (as, when/while, until, because, if, since)

Many students are getting ready for the summer break. Some are getting ready to attend summer school. 


DARE: read the rules for combining sentences while doing a hand stand. Yes, a teammate can help by holding your feet. 

"A complex sentence is made up of an independent clasue, or complete sentence, and a dependent clause, or incomplete sentence, connected to each other with a subordinating conjunction. Subordinating conjunctions include words such as the following: As, when, while, until, unless, because, by, if, and since."


List 8 Characters. 

Max, Kevin, Grim, Gram, Gwen, Tony D, Loretta, Iggy, Killer Kane, Mrs Addison, Ms. Donelli, Dr. Spivak


What are the 5 components of a plot diagram 

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. 


Is this correct? Explain why.

I learned how to preach the word to a lot of illiterate convicts, but they were no more ignorant than a lot of other folk. 

There are complete sentences on both sides of the FANBOY "but"


What change is needed in the following sentence?

Since it's almost the end of the year teachers are playing more games with the students. 

incert a comma after the word "year"


The comma on the top... 

Also known as an apostrophe!! 

What is the apostrophe showing the reader in the follwing sentence. 

Students can't be wandering around the hallways before school begins! They have to be on time to their teacher's classroom. 


DARE: Read the rules for using an apostrophe using your best impression of a very strict teacher!

Apostrophes are used to form the possessive form of a singular noun or a plural noun . In other words, an apostrophe is used to show ownership of a object or idea. For example: Those are Sarah's shoes. An apostrophe is also used to omit, or replace, a letter in a contraction. For example, in the word "isn't", the apostrophe is replacing the "o" in the word not. Isn't is the contraction of the words "is not"


What is an Ornithopter?

A mechanical bird that Kevin liked to play with 


FREE BEE if you can tell me this classroom's room number without checking outside. 


Is this correct? Explain why. 

Then my father is sort of drooping his arm around Iggy and giving him a squeeze, and you can see the cold, scared look in Iggy's little eyes. 

Yes because ther are two complete sentences on both sides of the FANBOY "and"


What change is needed in the following sentence?

Gather all your materials and work on your Quill assignment as you wait for class to begin. 



I hope you like to read... 

No Truth just DARE: Read the following excerpt... while doing a plank... with one hand.. if you touch the floor, the opp gets your points. 

"In the freezing ocean waters of Antarctica, the planet’s largest seals make their home in a frozen world. These giants are southern elephant seals, and they can grow as long as the length of a car and weigh as much as two cars combined. The name “elephant seal” comes from both the males’ enormous size and from their giant trunk-like nose, called a proboscis. Females do not have a proboscis, and they are much smaller. A thick layer of blubber keeps southern elephant seals warm in their icy habitat. The seals are clumsy on land, but in water they’re graceful swimmers and incredible divers. They can easily dive 1,000 to 4,000 feet to hunt for squid, octopus, and various kinds of fish. Elephant seals are able to stay underwater for 20 minutes or more. The longest underwater session researchers observed was an amazing two hours! When they return to the surface to breathe, it’s only for a few minutes. Then they dive again. "


How tall was Freak the Mighty?

9ft tall


According to Freak, what is magnesium?

The white sparkles in skyrockets. 


Freak is pointing the squirt gun right in his face, and he says, "Guess what I got for Christmas, Mr. Kane?"

No because although there are two complete sentences on both sides of "and", Kevin is using "and" to add two ideas but not combine them. 


What is the best way to combine these two sentences? (use AWUBIS)

It's very hot outside today. I might not take my jacket to school. 

Since it's very hot outside today, I might not take my jacket to school. 


I might not take my jacket to school since it's very hot outside today. 


You might get tired of reading... 

Truth: What is the organization pattern of this non-fiction/informational text?

DARE: Read the text while doing a push up for each sentence. If you fail.. the opp gets your points. 

"What Australian mammal can leap 25 feet in one hop and move for short periods at 35 miles an hour? The red kangaroo. A full-grown male stands as tall as a 6-foot-tall person and weighs 200 pounds. This is slightly bigger than the grey kangaroo, making it the world’s largest marsupial. What’s a marsupial? It’s a mammal where the mother has a pouch for carrying, feeding, and protecting her young. While a red kangaroo may be the largest marsupial, the newborn baby is tiny, under an inch long. After a few months of sleeping, nursing, and growing in mom’s stomach pouch, the young kangaroo (joey) begins to come out. But it hurries back to the pouch fast when frightened, hungry, or cold. Eventually, the joey gets so big it hangs out of the pouch. Then, at eight months old, it stays out. But the joey remains close to mom until ready to live on its own. Red kangaroos are good swimmers. However, they are best known for their hopping abilities. Their long, powerful hind legs have big feet. Hopping moves them quickly over their grassy, shrubby, and desert habitats. Meanwhile, a thick tail helps them balance and steer."


Why did Kevin call his mom "The Fair Guinevere?"

Because that was King Arthur's Queen 


What type of figurative language is the following saying?

You took forever!!!
