Oh my goddess! (Name the god or goddess)
Before and After
On a role...

Despite her husband's many dalliances she remained faithful and took him back every time. Each year she would bathe in a magic spring to make her as young as the day she married Zeus and woo him to her. Despite his obvious shortcomings, he was perfect in her eyes solely because he was her husband. Once scorned, she would become an unstoppable force to obliterate the source of the blight.

Who is Hera?


A way to say farewell to someone in the evening and your summer reading book. 

Good Night Divided 


True or false?

Emma noticeably winced when she smelled the delicious hot fudge sundae.  

What is false. 


Add commas as needed.

They read about the twelve major gods and goddesses so they must return their books.  

They read about the twelve major gods and goddesses, so they must return their books.  


"Plane!  Plane!" 

Who is Gabriel?


When this god was born his mother burst into flames, and he rose from the pyre. He prefers the company of women. Although he'll never admit it, he's been looking for a surrogate mother his whole life. He prefers to live on the outskirts of society and is a wild god of intoxication. Despite this fact, he is very refined and delivers hangovers to those who do not exercise self-control. Despite being amongst the youngest of the gods he is often depicted at the center of his own entourage.

Who is Dionysus?


A book you read this year and a type of meditation that involves being aware of your present moment without judgment or interpretation

Out of My Mindfulness 


What is the best synonym for stealthily?  

a. deeply 

b. secretly 

c. loudly

d. cruelly 

what is b. secretly?


Add commas as needed.

Artemis a gifted hunter took down two terrifying giants.

Artemis, a gifted hunter, took down two terrifying giants.


"No apologies in this room.  We haven't time."  

Who is The Giver?


This goddess was born by springing from Zeus's skull. As a result, she had no mother and formed no maternal connections. Instead, she prefers to see herself as one of the guys. Like her brother, she was a war deity. Instead of offensive tactics, she focused on solid defense and control over the situation. She was also the goddess of wisdom. 

Who is Athena?


An attack that prompted America's entrance into World War II and a book you read this year 

Pearl Harbor Me


What is the best antonym for catatonic

a. dazed

b. wicked

c. precise 

d. alert 

what is d. alert?


Comma splice, run-on, or correct? 

The class, full of eager students, couldn't believe school was almost over, and they longed to do more English work over the summer.

What is correct?

"You could ask, 'Do you enjoy me?' The answer is 'Yes.'...Do you understand why it's inappropriate to use a word like 'love?' " 

Who is Jonas's mother?


This god has at his disposal all the knowledge that ever was since all things eventually wind up in his kingdom. He is also the only god whose realm is always expanding. In Greek society, his name was seldom uttered but always on the minds of the people. There are few cases of him emerging from his cavernous kingdom. His own isolation fed directly into his dark side.

Who is Hades?


A preppy sport that requires a stick and a net mixed with a book you read this year.

Fill in the blank.

I don't want to be trapped in a windowless prison cell, left to _________________.

a. squalid 

b. summon

c. languish

d. exert 

What is c. languish?
Comma splice, run-on, or correct?

Summer vacation is so close I can't wait! 

What is a run-on?

"But the Receiver-in-training cannot be observed, cannot be modified.  That is stated quite clearly in the rules.  He is to be alone, apart, while he is prepared by the current Receiver for the job which is the most honored in our community." 

Who is the Chief Elder?


This god is the template for the champion figure who lives for conquest. He exists to fulfill his duty and will not be weighed down with details. As the gladiator, he lives for combat. There is no sense of duty just the drive for physical enjoyment.  Since might makes right, he is entitled to whatever he can take by force.Foresight is not in his nature, so he is prone to excess.

Who is Ares?


An ice cream flavor and a poem you read this year about paths diverging in the woods.

Rocky Road Not Taken


What is the part of speech?

Apologies for my indolence, but would you mind doing the dishes for me?

what is a noun?


Add commas as needed.

Ms. Berger who happens to be a delightful English teacher knew school was almost over but she still planned a fun game for all to enjoy.  

Ms. Berger, who happens to be a delightful English teacher, knew school was almost over, but she still planned a fun game for all to enjoy.  


"I apologize for not paying you the respect you deserve... I said I apologize, Jonas."  

Who is Asher?