Context Clues
Synonyms & Antonyms
Author's Purpose
You see people standing outside, they are shivering and stomping their feet. The people are doing this because: A) they are angry B) they are cold C) they are farmers D) they are hot
What is "B"
Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs, spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! In the passage above, what is the meaning "assault"? A) an animal B) a storm C) an attack D) a test
What is an attack?
A word that means the same or has _______ meaning is called a synonym.
What is similar.
The highest point of interest, the place where ideas are drawn together, an important turning point in a series of actions, or the most forceful event in a story.
What is climax.
What is the author's purpose when writing an advertisement for Coca-Cola?
What is to persuade you to buy/drink Coca-Cola
Mr. Nelson, the mailman, walked across a beautiful yard to bring the mail to the Bell's home. Suddenly, the sprinklers went on and Mr. Nelson was all wet. Very angry, Mr. Nelson went to the front of the house and pounded on the door. No one answered. A) An automatic timer had been set to start the sprinklers B) He fell in a puddle C) The kids in the house put the sprinklers on D) It started to rain
What is A
Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs, spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! In the passage above, what is the meaning "simultaneously"? A) a group of people B) at the same time C) one at a time D) a large or important
What is "B" at the same time?
Words that have opposite meaning?
What are antonyms?
Concludes the action and ensures that all important plot lines have been tied.
What is resolution.
What is the author's purpose when writing a book report for reading class?
What is to inform or give information about the book?
The waiting room was full. Two dogs lay patiently on the floor. A kitten cried in the cat carrier. A man came in the door carrying an injured dog. A white-coated man came out to meet him. Everyone knew they might have a long wait. Where is the story happening? A) A vet's office B) A doctor's office C) A grocery store D) A farm
What is A
Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs, spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! In the passage above, what is the meaning "phobia"? A) poisonous spider or bug B) strong fear of anxiety C) job or responsibility D) dream or desire
What is "B" strong fear of anxiety?
Synonym for brave?
What is courageous (answers my vary).
The beginning of the story, where the characters and setting are introduced.
What is exposition.
What is the purpose of this paragraph? In Tarpon Spring, Florida, there are people who work underwater. These people are called sponge divers. The kind of treasure they look for is called sponges. Sponge diving is not an easy job. The diver has to breathe under water and be careful of extreme water pressure.
What is to inform?
Something strange was going on. First, Aidan's aunt said, "Top o' the morning to you!" Then she served him green oatmeal with green milk. She was wearing a green top hat. Aidan wondered whether it was April Fool's Day, but his food tasted fine. When did Aidan first realize that something strange was happening?
What is D
Everyone in the world is afraid of something. Instead of having just one phobia, or fear, at a time, most people have many fears simultaneously. People may be scared of bugs, spiders, water or flying. Sometimes, people have reasons for their fears. An assault may make someone scared of strangers on the street, even years after the attack. Other times, there is no reason for the fear. A person with a strong fear of bugs may spend large amounts of money to exterminate every insect in the house, even though all of them are less dangerous than the poison! In the passage above, what is the meaning of "exterminate? A) escape B) kill C) enjoy D) help
What is "B" to kill?
What resource or tool do you use to help define words that you do not know?
What is a dictionary?
Events in a story that build up the conflict.
What are rising action events?
What is the author's purpose of this paragraph? Game night at our house was hilarious when we played Cranium with two teams of three. Imagine Abram, the savvy surfer, doing an impression of Marilyn Monroe singing, 'Happy Birthday'. Or Dave, the macho bodybuilder, swinging his hips and singing a medley to Madonna's songs. But the most memorable was George's Cranium Doodle hint for the architectural term 'flying buttress'. It was well, side-splitting outrageous.
What is to entertain you with a story?
This man gets up early each morning even when he's been up very late the night before. His office is part of his home, so he has no commute time. He often travels great distances on business. His job is very difficult, because he can never make everyone happy. In spite of this, he keeps on trying to do the best possible job that he can, while feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. Who is this man? A) A business man B) A CEO C) The President D) The Vice President
What is C
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He was, however, a pacifist who felt bad about the destructive power that he created. He established the Nobel Prize as an award for outstanding achievement in physics, chemistry, medicine, peace, literature, and economics. In the passage above, what is the meaning of the word "pacifist"? A) a cruel, violent person B) an inventor of explosives C) a very famous scientist D) a person against violence
What is "D" a person against violence.
What is a antonym for timid?
What is confident (answers may vary)?
Events that lead up to the resolution of a story.
What are falling action events.
What is the author's purpose? Attention everyone! My school is selling chocolates for computers. I'm sure you are aware that there are budges cuts everywhere. We need more computers in our school in order to have access to the wealth of technology that exists to enhance our education. Despite the budget cuts, we are trying to fund the needed computers for our school by selling delicious, chocolate bars in a variety of flavors. I am asking that you each purchase 10 candy bars from me today. That's 10 candy bars for the low, low total price of $10. You can purchase your candy, have a tasty treat, help my school obtain funding for more computers and help me have access to better technology at school. Buy your candy bars today and thank you for your support!
What is to persuade you to purchase candy bars.