Who are the main characters of Hatchet and The Bronze Bow?
Daniel and Brian
The Bronze Bow - Man vs. Self and Man vs. Society
Hatchet - Man vs. Nature
What is the Exposition of a story?
The setting, the main character, and the main character's situation in life.
Put a line between the subject and predicate:
George loves to swim.
George / loves to swim.
Define Emit.
to send out, produce, or discharge
Define presume
to accept something as true without proof
Define apparition.
the act of appearing unexpectedly, like a ghostlike image
to gather up or pile little by little
Define accept
Who are the authors of Hatchet and The Bronze Bow?
Gary Paulsen and E.G. Speare
Give me an example of a Man vs. Man Conflict.
Teacher decides
What is the climax of the story?
The turning point of the story. When you can start to guess the ending.
Put a line between the subject and predicate:
The purple lizard can walk on water!
The purple lizard / can walk on water!
Define ascend.
to climb or rise up
Define superfluous.
Extra and unnecessary
Define terminate.
to bring to an end
Define ignite.
to catch fire; to excite
Define except.
not including; other than
What are the settings of Hatchet and The Bronze Bow?
Hatchet - wild forest in Canada
The Bronze Bow - Jesus' time in Galilee
What is the difference between first person point of view and third person point of view?
first person = I (the character is telling the story)
third person = he, she, they (the narrator is outside the story looking in)
Fix the errors:
i want to go to myrtle beach this summer.
Myrtle Beach
Define comprehend
to understand
Define ominous.
threatening, something bad is going to happen
Define fragile.
flimsy, breakable
Define exclude.
to shut out, to deny access or a privilege (usually excluded from a group)
Define impulse.
a sudden drive or desire within to act without thinking
What is the theme of The Bronze Bow?
Third person or first person?
Joseph couldn't wait to get home! His new gaming system would have finished it's downloads and was ready to play. He though about asking a friend over to see his new system.
third person
What figure of speech is this:
The kids giggled like a pack of hyenas.
Fix the errors:
When we go, we need two bring towels sunscreen and bathing suits.
towels, sunscreen, and bathing suits
Define subside.
to become less intense or to lower
Define reluctant.
unwilling or hesitant
Define partial.
Define extract.
to pull out (like a dentist pulling teeth)
Define beneficial.
favorable or advantageous and resulting in good
What is the theme of Hatchet?
Never give up
Third Person or First Person?
I am so excited for Summer Break! I think I might read 20 books in my hammock, visit the beach, go kayaking, and camp. I plan to do all of this after I sleep for a week!
First Person
What figure of speech is this:
It's time to hit the books!
Fix the errors:
Georges pets are named bruno chewie and fluffy.
Bruno, Chewie, and Fluffy
Define adhere.
to sick to or to follow
Define adversary.
An enemy
Define fatigue.
extreme tiredness from physical exertion or illness
Define indignation.
anger or annoyance at what you think is unfair treatment
Define illegible.
What figure of speech is this:
The wind whispered tales of adventure in my ear.
Fix the errors:
john cant wait to ride the knew roller coaster!
Define inerrant
without error
incapable of being wrong
Define fascinate.
to draw irresistably the interest of someone or something
Define ravenous.
extremely hungry
Define eject.
to throw out forcefully and violently
Define strenuous.
requiring great strength or exertion