What Book of the Bible was the Creation Story written?
What animal told Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? (BE SPECIFIC)
A Serpent
Who were the two sons of Adam and Eve? Which one killed which?
Cain and Abel; Cain Killed Abel
Where did Adam and Eve live?
The Garden of Eden
What Books of the Bible account the life of Jesus?
The Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
What Book of the Bible was the Story of Moses written?
What did God tell Noah to build? (BE SPECIFIC)
An Ark
Who is Our Father in Faith? What was his name at birth? (What was his original name?)
Abraham; Abram
What city was the Promised Land located in?
People who descend from the Kingdom of Judah are known as...
What Book of the Bible contained Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth?
Why did the Babylonians try to build the Tower of Babel?
The Babylonians Wanted to Reach Heaven
Who were the two sons of Issac? Who received the Family Blessing? (Who was Chosen?) What did God change his name to?
Esau and Jacob; Jacob; Israel
What was the name of the battle fought between the Israelites and the Canaanites over the Promised Land?
The Battle of Jericho
Who did John the Baptist prophecize about?
The Messiah, Jesus Christ
What TWO Books of the Bible Contained Samuel, David, and Solomon?
Samuel and Kings
In the Tower of Babel, how did God punish the people?
God Gave Them Each Different Languages (They Could No Longer Understand Eachother)
After Moses died, who became the leader of the Israelites?
The term exile can be compared to...
What is the mystery of God becoming Man?
The Incarnation
What Book of the Bible did Jeremiah find written on a scroll?
Elijah, Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are examples of...
What two people from this year are most known for having dreams/visions?
Joseph (Son of Jacob) and Ezekiel (Prophet)
What are the three main seasons celebrated in the Church?
Advent (Christmas), Ordinary Time (This is Celebrated Twice), and Lent (Easter)
What city was Jesus born in?