Chapter 10-12
Chapter 13-14
Chapter 15-16
Chapter 17-18
Chapter 19-20

Who was the first Pope? 

Saint Peter


As a child of God you are worthy of 2 things. What are they? 

Dignity and respect


At what age did Jesus begin his public ministry and what preparatory rite did he begin at this time?

Jesus was about 30 years old. He began his public ministry with his baptism. 


What special day commemorated God's rescue of his chosen people from slavery in Egypt?



Demonstrate how to genuflect and where would we do this? 

In front of the tabernacle, when entering or exiting a pew. 


What is the 5th commandment? 

You shall not kill. 


What is envy? 

Envy is being resentful or saddened by the success or good fortune of others. 


Which saint told a woman to shake out all the feathers from her pillow at the top of a hill and then told her to go out and collect all her feathers, as a way to teach about not getting back the gossip we spread? 

St. Philip Neri


What is the most perfect prayer? 

The Holy Mass. 


What does the receiving the Eucharist take away? 

The Holy Eucharist takes away venial sin and strengthens us against mortal sin. 


Jesus told us to love our enemies. What does this mean? 

To love our enemies means to have goodwill toward them. That is, to wish them well and treat them well. 


What does charity oblige us to do? 

Charity obliges us to share what we have with those in need. 


Finish the Beatitudes:

Blessed are the pure in heart...

Blessed are the meek....

...for they shall see God.

...for they shall inherit the earth.


If you eat Jesus' Body and drink his Blood, what is promised to you?

Eternal life is promised to those who eat Jesus' Body and drink his Blood.


What are the names of the little plate that hold the hosts and the cup that hold the Blood called? 

The plate is called the paten. 

The cup is called the chalice. 


What is scandal? 

Scandal is the sin of leading others into sin by the example of our actions. 


What is restitution? 

Restitution is paying for damage or making recompense for some wrong we have done. 


Why did Jesus say he was born into the world? 

Jesus said he was born into the world "to bear witness to the truth."


What is the word for the complete change of substance of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ? 



Name two ways we can express our reverence for the mass. 

Proper dress, silence, genuflection, prayerfulness...


Name 3 of the 5 Precepts of the Catholic Church.

You shall attend mass on Sunday and Holy days of obligation. 

You shall confess your sins at least once a year. 

You shall receive the Eucharist at least once in the Easter season. 

You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence. 

You shall help provide for the needs of the poor. 


What are the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th commandments? 

6th: You shall not commit adultery. 

7th: You shall not steal. 

9th: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. 

10th: You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. 


How are the Beatitudes related to the Ten Commandments? 

The Beatitudes are the fulfillment of the Ten Commandments and reveal the goal of human existence. The Beatitudes promise the reign of the Kingdom of God, which is at the heart of Jesus' teachings. 


What special power do priests get from Jesus? 

Priests have the power to offer the sacrifice of Jesus' Body and Blood. The turn the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. 


What are two things Jesus did to help people believe in him? 

To help people believe in him, Jesus went about doing good. He taught and preached the Kingdom of God and he performed many miracles.