Describing Motion
Speed and Velocity
True or False: An object is in motion if it changes position relative to a reference point.
What is true?!
This the equation for calculating speed
What is Speed = Distance / Time
This is what changes if something accelerates.
What is velocity (meaning a change in speed and/or direction)?
If I travel 10 meters in 2 seconds, this would be my speed.
What is 5 m/s? (5 meters/second)
This is the equation for calculating the slope of a line.
What is Slope = Rise / Run?
This is a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion
What is a reference point?
How does one calculate average speed?
What is Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.
True or False: An object at constant speed can accelerate.
What is TRUE. The object could change direction. Changing direction is one form of acceleration.
This would be my average speed if after 3 hours, I traveled a total of 18 miles.
What is 6mph? (6 mi/hr, 6 miles/hour)
This is the speed at which an object is moving at a given instant in time.
What is instantaneous speed?
This is an answer to the question, "Are we moving?"
What is yes (for example, use the sun or the center of the galaxy as a reference point).
This the definition of velocity.
What is speed with a direction?
True or False: A decrease in speed is a form of acceleration.
What is TRUE. In science, acceleration can include ANY change in speed, even if that change of speed is deceleration. Deceleration is a type of acceleration!
This would be my acceleration if I accelerated to a speed of 8 m/s in the span of just one second.
What is 8m/s/s (8 m/s^2)
If you have a perfectly flat horizontal line in a distance vs. time graph, what does this say about the described object's motion?
What is what happens when there is NO MOTION? (See example on board)
This is the International System standard unit for DISTANCE.
What is a meter
This is the type of graph which you can calculate speed from.
What is a Distance vs. Time graph? (Speed = Distance / Time)
This is a form of units for acceleration.
What is m/s/s (or m/s^2)? (Other examples can be correct!)
This would be the acceleration of an object that accelerated from rest (0 m/s) to 24 m/s over a time of 8 s.
What is 3 m/s/s (3 m/s^2)
In a speed vs. time graph, if a flat horizontal line describes my motion, it means this:
What is I have zero acceleration, but may still be in motion at a constant speed.
This is how you can use reference points to tell if you are moving in a car or a train.
What is seeing if your position is changing in comparison to a fixed, not moving reference point.
If a Distance vs. Time graph includes two lines (describing the motion of two objects), one thing is traveling faster than the other if one object's line is this:
What is more steep than the other line? (See example on board)
This is the equation for calculating acceleration.
What is Acceleration = (Final Speed - Initial Speed) / (Time)
A car was travelling 20 m/s on the road. The person driving the car saw another car pass them. The driver decided to accelerate to a speed of 30 m/s. The driver took 5 seconds to do this. This is the acceleration of that driver.
What is 2 m/s/s (2 m/s^2) Acceleration = (Final Speed - Initial Speed) / (Time) Acceleration = (30 m/s - 20 m/s) / (5 s) Acceleration = (10 m/s) / (5 s) Acceleration = 2 m/s/s (2 m/s^2)
In the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, who had greater instantaneous speed? Who had greater average speed?
What is the Tortoise had a greater average speed. The Hare had greater instantaneous speed.