Renal System
Preventing Injury
Substance Abuse
Mental Health

What is the function of the ureter?

to filter waste 

to carry urine to the bladder 

to store urine 

to carry urine outside the body


What is the most immediate benefit of following the recommended daily allowances for macronutrients?

A person will get sick less often. 

A person will maintain a good weight. 

A person will have lower stress levels.

 A person will sleep better.


Who is most responsible for helping children avoid risk-taking behaviors and preventing injury?

their parents 


the police 

their teacher


How have policies changed about smoking in public?

Smoking is allowed in more public places due to pressure from tobacco companies.

Smoking is no longer allowed in schools but is allowed in most other public places. 

Special-interest groups have campaigned to get anti-smoking laws passed but have mostly failed. 

Most states have passed laws prohibiting smoking in most public places.


Kyan, Leila, and Jakob want Miles to write the descriptions for the pictures they drew for the group project. Miles does not want to. What will most likely contribute to the success of the group?

Miles should ask the teacher to be in a different group. 

Miles should ask his dad to talk to the other students. 

Miles should complete another part of the project that he prefers. 

Miles should accept responsibility and write the descriptions.


Which diet helps prevent kidney stones from forming?

a diet high in beef and pork 

a diet high in processed foods 

a diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables 

a diet high in nuts


Which nutrient do adolescent females need less of than adolescent males?






What is the main purpose of a fire drill?

to make sure the fire department can reach the building quickly 

to test the fire alarm signals 

to rehearse so that people know what to do in an emergency 

to teach people how to work together and cooperate


What is the best definition of addiction?

Addiction is a condition in which a person has an intense craving for a substance that is difficult to resist. 

Addiction is a social problem in which a person suffers negative effects in his or her life from taking a substance. 

Addiction is when a person takes so much of a substance that serious effects occur requiring hospitalization. 

Addiction is a chronic problem in which a person has altered his or her brain and can’t stop taking a substance.


What are some protective factors for mental illness? Select all correct answers.

having lower academic achievement 

experiencing conflict in the home 

going to a school with clear expectations 

being able to solve problems on one’s own


Which structure is responsible for removing toxins from the blood?

adrenal glands 





Jorge has created a dinner meal plan consisting of broiled fish, brown rice, a green salad, and milk. What else should he include in his plan?

a cup of nuts 


a roll 

fresh fruit


A young person is in a public area, and an adult in a car calls out for help.

go over to the car to find out more about the

 problem walk away from the person 

ask the person to come over to talk 

offer to help the person with the problem


What are improper uses of a prescription medicine?

using the medicine again when a person thinks the same illness has returned 

reading and following the instructions on the package insert 

giving the medicine to a sibling who is sick with the same illness 

taking the amount that the doctor prescribes


What strategy is best for working through adversity or challenges?

realizing that problems are a part of life 

eating favorite foods 

sleeping to avoid the problem 

venting anger and frustration to others


Why is drinking water important for renal and urinary health?

Water delivers nutrients to the kidneys. 

Water keeps the ureter tube flexible. 

Water helps move solid waste out of the body. 

Water helps to prevent urinary tract infections.


What is an impact of a food allergy on someone’s life?

They are unable to get common vaccines. 

They must take extra vitamins. 

They have to read every label of a food item before eating it. 

They must avoid going outside in the summer


When walking in an area with a lot of traffic, what is a strategy for a pedestrian to stay safe?

The pedestrian should walk in the same side of the street and in the same direction as cars are traveling. 

The pedestrian should cross the street with confidence because cars are required to stop for pedestrians. 

The pedestrian should wear dark clothes at night so that he or she doesn’t distract drivers. 

The pedestrian should assume that drivers don’t see him or her unless drivers make eye contact and slow down


What is a benefit of a smoke-free environment?

Everyone has more freedom to meet their wants and needs. 

People who don’t want to smoke do not have to breathe secondhand smoke. 

Restaurants and bars will attract more customers and make more money. 

Smoke-free indoor locations also reduce smog in cities


Jana has a friend, Sara, who asks for help with math homework every day, which is taking a lot of Jana’s time. How should Jana communicate boundaries?

She should start refusing to answer the phone when Sara calls. 

She should tell another friend about it so they will tell Sara.

She should tell Sara how selfish she is to take all Jana’s time. 

She should tell Sara that she, Jana, needs more time to herself.


What structure carries urine outside the body?






What is a benefit of following the recommended daily allowances for proteins?

It helps build strong muscles. 

It helps build strong bones. 

It provides the body energy. 

It makes the skin healthy.


Rashid is choosing a password to protect his social media account on the internet. What is the best choice for his password?

one that contains his first initial and last name 

one that contains his address 

one that contains the first letter of each word in a sentence 

one that contains his social security number


What is the best way to find accurate information on the proper use of medications?

doing a web search for the drug name 

asking someone else who has taken it asking 

calling the prescribing doctor’s office 

watching a commercial about the drug


Why are personal boundaries important?

Boundaries will keep people from being angry.

Boundaries will help with having healthy friendships.

Boundaries will keep people from taking advantage of others. 

Boundaries will guarantee that a person becomes popular.