Key Terms
Essay Questions (Do these on the board with your group.)
Key Terms #2
Tougher Things
Trick Questions

What is Geography?

The study of the human and nonhuman features of Earth.


Explain the difference between a push and pull factor and their results.

A Push Factor is what makes someone leave a country or area while a Pull Factor is what draws someone to a country or area.


What is Industrialization?

Is the development of machine-powered production and manufacturing.


What is a Push Factor?

The factors which lead to someone leaving their country or place where they live.


Are you a Producer or Consumer?

If you grow or make something you are a Producer. You are always a consumer because you buy and use goods.


What is an Intermediate Direction?

Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest


How are supply and demand, as well as opportunity cost connected?

Supply and Demand are what is on the Market and what people want and Opportunity Cost is how much it costs one to save for an item in limited Supply and High Demand.

What are Natural Resources?

Useful materials found in the environment that people can use.


What is a Pull Factor?

The factors that draw someone to a new country or place to live.


If I have a common item that I stop making will prices go up or drop.

It depends on the quality of the item and how long it takes for it to become a rare item.


What is a Cardinal Direction?

North, East, South, West


What is a Free Market?

A market where goods and services are exchanged across Nation's borders


What is Culture?

The beliefs, customs, practices, and behaviors of a particular nation or group of people.


What is Supply?

What is on a Market.


Name some examples of Cultural Diffusion.

Playing Japanese videogames, reading British books, eating Mexican food, etc.


What is Longitude?

The position in degrees that go North and South.


What is debt!!



What is Society?

Is a group of people with a shared culture who have organized themselves to meet their basic needs.


What is Demand?

What someone or people desire for something on a Market.


Can anybody at any given time be a producer?

Yes. If you grow or make something, you are a producer.


What is Latitude?

The degrees on the map that go East and West.


What is Economics, and how does an economy work in terms of producers, the market, and consumers.

Economics is how an Economy functions, Producers and Consumers rely on one another to make a profit, and the Market is where this action takes place.


What is a Government?

Is a group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws for a country or area.


What is Opportunity Cost?

How much you have to sacrifice or save to acquire a product.


What is a Consumer Economy?

An economy based around the buying and selling of goods. This is also called a Free Market Economy.