Our class color is this.
What is (2) Red; (3) Orange; (4) Yellow; (6) Green; (7) Blue?
This is how to ask to use the bathroom.
What is the peace sign? What is the first two fingers?
We make no sound at this Voice Level.
What is Voice Level 0?
This is where you write your name when you are late to class.
What is the "Tardy" board?
The specific details about the event, landmark, geographical feature, place, etc.
What is the What?
What is 2? What is 1 each semester?
This is how to ask to go drink water.
What is the first three fingers?
At this Voice Level our table group can hear us.
What is Voice Level 2?
This is where you write your name when the Hall Pass is being used.
What is the "Hall Pass" board?
The point in time that a historical event takes place.
What is the When?
This sign means we need to be at voice level 0.
What is "Silent Owls" or "Quiet Coyote"?
This is how to ask for a piece of paper.
What is all four fingers? What is all except the thumb?
At this Voice Level, only the people right next to us can hear our voice.
What is Voice Level1
This is what your write on the Sign out Sheet, when you return from the Hall.
What is the time you get back?
The person or people that were involved in the event.
Who is the Who?
What is the Who?
No one is allowed to go to the bathroom/use a hall pass during these two times of class.
What is the first and last ten minutes of class?
This is how to ask for a pencil.
What is "only the pinky"?
We only use these Voice Levels outside.
What are Voice Levels 4 and up?
These are the three things you write on the Sign out Sheet when you sign the Hall Pass out.
1. What is your name?
2. What is the date?
3. What is the time?
This W is not always obvious, and will most likely be the most challenging and require the most research.
What is the Why?
This is how we begin class every day.
What is lining up against the lockers and between the two doors?
What is taking attendance?
What is "closed fist"?
At this Voice Level the whole classroom can hear you but you are not yelling.
What is Voice Level 3?
What is Mc Cann?
The setting or location of the event.
What is the Where?