What is the capital of Japan?
What are Chinese characters called in Japanese?
How do you say, "Good morning" in Japanese?
Ohayoo Gozaimasu
How do you say the number 11 in Japanese?
What kind of tree that blossoms in spring, (usually at the end of march and into April) is the national flower of Japan?
The cherry blossom
What is Pachinko?
It's a pinball like game that is very popular in Japan.
True or false: Japanese can be written both horizontally and vertically.
How do you say, "what's up?" in Japanese?
How do you say the Japanese language in Japanese?
How old is Sumo Wrestling?
About 2,000 years old.
What is the most popular sport in Japan?
Do Japanese kids learn how to read the English alphabet in school?
How do you say, "Hello" in Japanese?
How do you say the number 44 in Japanese?
Roughly, what is the population of Japan?
126 million people.
How many days does a Sumo Tournament last?
How many syllables are used in Haiku poems?
17, arranged in three lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables.
How do you say "no" in Japanese?
In order to count to 100 in Japanese, all you need to know is the numbers 1-10. True or false.
What is the highest rank in the world of Sumo?
Point out something in the room related to the Shinto religion.
There are many. I will show you if nobody can point to anything.
Why do the numbers for 4 and 7 change from Shi and Shichi to Yon and Nana when we get above the number 10?
To clearly differentiate the sound.
In Japanese there are endings used to make a word or phrase more polite. They include GOZAIMASU, DESU, the prefix O and....
How do you say the number 100 in Japanese?
What is Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution?
It says that the Japanese military is for defense only and Japanese troops cannot be deployed abroad.