The Sacraments and Prayers
The Bible
90's Pop Culture Trivia
Important People
What We Believe

During our Baptism, we are cleansed with water to remove what....

What is Original Sin

Bonus point: Why do we have Original Sin?


Mrs. Raffe says "go to John 3: 16-21 in your Bibles, please!" 

Break down what each part of "John 3: 16-21" means when looking up a passage in your Bible..;

John: Book in the Bible

3: Chapter 3 in book of John

16-21: Line number within the Chapter


What fad toy was feared to be a tool for foreign spies?

The Furby


Who are the 3 women that Jesus meets on his way to his crucifixion? 

His Mother, Mary


The Women of Jerusalem 


Is grace from God earned OR freely given?

Where do we receive grace?

Freely given from God through participating in the Sacraments.


Name the following...

2 Sacraments of Service

2 Sacraments of Healing

3 Sacraments of Initiation 

Sacraments of Service: Marriage & Holy Orders (Priesthood)

Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation & Anointing of the Sick

Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Eucharist, & Confirmation 


Name (3) of the 4 Gospels of the New Testament

What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John


When did the Google search engine first debut?



The first thing you need to do in order to become a Saint... 

Die, Be Dead for at least 6 years.

Bonus: Which comes first...Canonization or Beatification?


Complete these parts of the Nicene Creed...

"I believe in one God, the Father_____, maker of ______ and ______, of all things ________ and _________"

God from____, Light from Light,
 true God from true God, ______, not made, _______ with the Father

He will come again in glory to _____ the living and the dead and his_______ will have no end."

(1) Almighty, (2) Heaven (3) Earth (4) Visible (5) invisible (6) God, (7) Begotten, (8) Consubstantial (9) judge (10) Kingdom


The Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed are proclamations of what?

The Nicene and Apostles Creed are proclamations of what we believe as Catholics. 

Bonus Point: Give an example of a phrase from the Nicene or Apostles Creed


What is the MAIN difference between the Old and New Testament?

Old Testament is before Jesus was born. A time when the prophets were telling of His coming. Ancient Judaism.

The New Testament is all about Jesus's life and ministry. 


What popular band of young men released the hit music video “As Long As You Love Me” in 1997? It was a big hit on the longplay charts for Nick Carter, AJ Maclean, and others.

Backstreet Boys

Who sentenced Jesus to Death...


While Pontius Pilate is the leader who did the sentencing, ultimately it was the Jewish people (or all of us every Easter) who truly sentenced Jesus to death..

Bonus: who was released in his place?


What is a prophet and What do they do?

One called to speak for God and call the peaple to be faithful to the covenant. A major section of the Old Testament presents, 18 books, the messages and actions of the prophets.

Bonus: Name one Prophet


Each set of TEN beads on a Rosary are known as a...

What is a decade


Name ANY of the 5 Books of Wisdom and what types of themes they deal with...

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs


What Nickelodeon show kickstarted the careers of Nick Cannon, Kenan Thompson and Amanda Bynes?

All That


Which Old Testament prophet told the Pharaoh to free the enslaved Jews or he would suffer the wrath of God?


Bonus Point: Name (1) of the plagues brought forth by God as a result of the Pharaoh's disobedience

Double Bonus: What Jewish celebration is named for this time in history? 


How can we connect the Jewish Passover to our Catholic faith?

What is significant about these connections?

The Jewish Passover is the meal that was celebrated by Jesus during his Last Supper. 

The Last Supper is the basis of our Holy Eucharist, when Jesus sacrificed himself for us so we could be free from Death. 

Jesus is the sacrificial lamb just like the lamb sacrificed before the first Passover that protected the Jewish people from the Angel of Death. 

When we make these connections, we acknowledge and appreciate how our two faiths are intertwined with one another. 


Name 3 or ALL of the Mysteries of the Rosary...

Glorious Mysteries

Sorrowful Mysteries

Joyful Mysteries

Luminous Mysteries

Bonus: What are the events in the Sorrowful Mysteries? 


How many total books are there in the Bible?

What is 73 Books in total


If you had a lot of hair things, jewelry, and other random odds ‘n ends in your bedroom in the ‘90s, what colorful, plastic storage container might you have wanted to help you get organized (and popular)?



Which King and Prophet built the first Temple in the desert, after the Israelites had walked in the desert for 40 years?

King Solomon

Bonus: What important item was housed in Solomon's Temple?


What does it mean when we proclaim "I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church"? 

Holy: The Church is holy because of its union with Jesus Christ. Set aside for God's purposes.

Catholic: Universal Church, "all over the world". Jesus gave the Church to the whole world for everyone to be a part of.

Apostolic: The Church is apostolic because it passes on the teachings of the apostles through their successors, the bishops, in union with the successors of Saint Peter, the Pope