Before the Lab
During the Lab
After the Lab
Good or Bad?
What to do If....

This should be done to long hair when working with messy things in the lab

What is putting hair up, so it doesn't get messy


What is the proper way to smell a substance in the lab?

Waft the smell towards your nose - never put your nose directly above a sample to smell


What should you clean the tables with after a lab?

Clorox wipes! 


Student B is wearing safety goggles and an apron while working with baking soda and vinegar during a lab.



What do you do if your friend gets a paper cut during a lab?

Tell the teacher immediately - no matter how small or silly the accident is

What should you NEVER do before hearing the instructions of the lab?

Touch the lab supplies at your tables


When should you notify the teacher when something is wrong?

Immediately upon noticing something wrong


How often do we have labs in science class?

Once a week - sometimes twice a week!


Student A has a question during lab, so they walk to their friend's table to ask if they know the answer

BAD - Never get up and move around the lab. Stay at your station, and work with your group only. If you have a question, ask your teacher

What should you do if a student from another group keeps coming and distracting your group members while you are trying to work

Politely ask them to go back to their table, and honestly tell them they are being distracting. If it continues, tell the teacher


Who do you talk to if you need safety equipment?

The teacher!


Why should you only do the lab that is prepared for you, and not an unauthorized lab?

Because it wastes materials for other classes, can be messy or hazardous, and keeps you from completing your coursework for class.


What should you be careful of when cleaning up supplies?

Take care not to drop any equipment when transporting it to different areas of the room.


Student D is wearing goggles and gloves while picking up broken glass from a beaker that was dropped on the floor.

BAD - NEVER PICK UP BROKEN GLASS EVER - Notify your teacher, and I will take care of it


What do you do after the teacher has given instructions?

Read the instructions for yourself in your group before starting on the lab


What information is important to know before starting a lab?

All safety procedures and the location of safety equipment


What will happen if you break any of the rules listed on the lab safety contract while performing a lab in class?

You will receive an infraction, and sit out from the lab for the rest of the day.


What should you notify the teacher of when you are cleaning up?

Notify the teacher if anything is broken, missing, or needs to be replaced


Student C leaves their water bottle in their backpack during the lab, and drinks it after everything has been cleaned up and put away

Good - no food or drink in the lab


After the teacher has said it is time to pack up, what steps should you do to get ready to leave?

You should put lab items away, clean/wipe down your tables, pack up your items, and then sit and wait for dismissal


What is the FIRST thing that should be done prior to working with the lab materials at your desks

You should first read the instructions


What is the MOST IMPORTANT rule to following during lab days?


What should you do when the lab is over, and materials are set for the next class?

Sit in your assigned seat, and wait to be dismissed


Student E sits down at the lab table after coming into class and immediately begins to read the lab directions and messes with the materials as indicated by the directions.

BAD - Wait for teacher instruction before messing with any lab supplies


What do you do if there is a fire or lockdown during lab?

Fire drill - immediately stop what you're doing, and head outside

Lock down - immediately stop what you're doing, get into the corner, and get silent