This layer is where the weather occurs
What is Troposhere?
This layer extends to 600 km high
What is Thermosphere?
Temperature decreases as it goes up in altitude
What is Troposphere and Mesosphere?
This layer's air pressure is .005 mb
What is Thermosphere?
This is contains a high level of the ozone
What is the Stratosphere?
This layer is 16 km at the equator, 8 km at the poles
What is troposhere?
The temperature rises as the altitudes rise
What is Stratosphere and Thermosphere?
This layer's pressure is 1 mb.
What is an Mesosphere?
This is the layer that absorbs very little UV radiation?
This layer extends almost 80 km high.
What is Mesosphere?
The coldest layer
This layer's air pressure is 200 mb
What is a Stratosphere?
This is the layer that is the interface between earth and space
What is exosphere?
Extends 10 km to 50 km.
What is Stratophere?
This layer is -50 degrees Celsius
What is troposphere?
It's name depends on its location. Describe all three.
What is meteor- Earth's atmosphere?
What is Meteorite - Earth's surface?
What is Meteoroid - Space?
This is the hottest layer and absorbs solar radiation
What is False?
Extends 10,000 km high
What is the Exosphere?
The hottest layer
What is the thermosphere?
Does the air pressure increase or decrease as you advance up in the layers?
What is increase?