Street Smarts
Being an Upstander
Cyber Safety
Perspective Taking

What is being "Street Smart?"?

  • Knowing your way around an area
  • Calmly handling tough situations
  • Dealing with difficulties in an urban environment

A repeated real or perceived imbalance of power that leads to unkind/ unwanted aggressive behavior is called



True or False:

Your digital footprint cannot be traced



Why did some people see the dress as black and blue while others saw the dress as white and gold?

Any of these answers:

- People perceive light in different ways

- We put our own context into our brains

- Our brains perceive visual information differently


GSE stands for...

Gender and Sexuality Education


Name three ways to stay safe/ "street smart"

Never give out personal information

Don't take anything from strangers

Don't go places you shouldn't

Make sure an adult knows where you are at all times

Stick with a friend or group


Any behavior intended to harm someone by damaging or manipulating relationships with others (e.g. gossip/ tea)

Relational Aggression


Describe TWO forms of cyberbullying

-posting hurtful comments or pictures

-spreading rumors online

-pretending to be someone else


1) Demonstrating empathy and sensitivity in friendships

2) Interpreting and reacting to nonverbal cues 

3) Predicting other people’s reactions to your own behavior

4) Increasing self awareness 

These are all examples of...

Perspective Taking (Skills)


Name TWO of the three SEL trainees at the School of Columbia this year.

Dr. Braddock 

Ms. Soares

Mr. De Gannes


You are alone on a park bench and an adult female asks you to help her find her wallet and she'll give you a reward. Should you help her out?

NO. A strange adult should never ask a child for help.


If you help a person being bullied by speaking up, getting others involved, or ask for help, you are considered a(n)...

upstander/ ally


What can you do to stay safe online?

- don't share password

-only connect with people you know

-think before you post

-be kind to others (grandma rule)

-private settings


The term that means "thinking about someone else's thinking" OR 'the ability to attribute mental states (beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc.) to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one's own' is...

Theory of Mind


What is the term for 'getting permission prior to engaging in an act (such as intercourse)'?



Which of the following statements are true?

1) 25% of child abductions are committed by strangers

2) Most abductors are men

3) Infant abductions are usually women

They are ALL true!


Bummer?/ Bullying?/ Relational Aggression?

You wake up and check your texts. Your friends are in a group chat and you notice they said they do not want you as part of the group. 

Relational Aggression


Who can you report cyberbullying to?

A trusted adult, police officer, or parent/guardian


'Seeing with the eyes of another'

'Listening with the ears of another'

'Feeling with the heart of another'

are all examples of...



Define Confidentiality

What is said here, stays here. Not mentioning names or telling others' stories.


Which of the following are false?

1) 66% of stranger abductions are males

2) Most abducted children are young

3) Abductors are usually manipulative and pursue at-risk victims

The first two are false, the last statement is true!

66% of children abducted by strangers are females

Most abducted children are teens


You have not contributed to bullying at all. However, you've also never prevented, protected, or stood up for someone being bullied. You are a...



Name the 3 ways to promote online positivity

1) be polite

2) don't use ALL CAPS

3) treat people like they're in front of you


Which of these qualities represent a person that is empathic?

  1. Often think about others’ feelings.

  2. Listening to others when they describe what they are going through.

  3. Not making fun of people or using put downs because of how it would make them feel.

All of them


Name at least 6 current seventh grade teachers

Ms. Becker, Ms. Wheat, Ms. Peguero, Dr.Goldberg, Ms. DeGidio, Mr. Howes, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Melfi, Ms. Krauss