SOL Review #1
SOL Review #2
SOL Review #3
SOL Review #4
SOL Review #5
6+7=7+6 represents this property
What is commutative property of addition?
10+(3+5) = (10+3)+5 represents this property
What is the associative property of addition?
13, 17, 16, 15, 18, 20 This would be the best measure of central tendency for this set of data.
What is the mean?
16+(-16)=0 represents this property
What is inverse property of addition?
75, 80, 76, 80, 80, 80, 74 This measure would be the best measure of central tendency for this set of data.
What is mode?
25, 26, 24, 23, 22, 24 This would be the balance point for this set of data.
What is 24?
Mrs. Clarke draws a jack out of a deck of cards, does not replace it, and draws another jack. This represents this type of event
What is a dependent event?
Mrs. Guill picks a stick out of the cup, replaces it and picks another stick out of the cup. This would represent this type of event.
What is an independent event?
5x1/5=1 represents this property
What is inverse property of multiplication?
13x0=0 represents this property
What is multiplicative property of zero?
A yard stick is 36 inches long. The measurement of the yard stick in centimeters would be....
What is 90 cm?
Mrs. Guill has 30 liters of punch for her party. She would have this many quarts.
What is 30 quarts?
This many grams would be equivalent to 78 ounces.
What is 2184?
The 2 quadrilaterals with all congruent angles are....
What are the square and rectangle?
The 2 quadrilaterals with opposite angles congruent are....
What are the parallelogram and the rhombus?
The x value for the following equation is... x + 53 = 99
What is 46?
The x value for the following equation would be... 4x=32
What is 8?
If 150 students were surveyed and 1/3 of them liked math, how many students liked math?
What is 50?
If 200 people were surveyed on their favorite car and 1/2 of them liked the mustang, this would be the central angle for mustang.
What is a 180 degrees?
5 red marbles 3 blue marbles 2 yellow Mrs. Guill draws a red marble out of a bag, replaces it and draws a blue marble. This would be the probability of these 2 events
What is 3/20?
5 red marbles 3 blue marbles 2 yellow marbles Mrs. Clarke picks a red marble out of the bag, does not replace it, and picks another red marble. This would be the probability of these 2 events.
What is 2/9?
Mrs. Guill is making a circular flower bed. The diameter is 15 cm. This would be the area of the flower bed.
What is 176.625 square cm?
Mrs. Guill is making a cake with a radius of 4.5 inches. This would be the circumference of the cake.
What is 28.26 inches?
A triangle has a base measurement of 5cm and a height of 7cm. Find the area of the triangle.
What is 17.5 square cm?
Mrs. Guill wants to put border around her bulletin board which has a width of 3 feet and a length of 4 feet. This is how much border she will need.
What is 14 feet?