Describes how particle move
What is the Particle Model of Matter?
What happens to the mass of an object as it goes through a phase change?
stays the same
When matter increases in volume due to heating.
What is expansion?
a variable that never changes
What is Controlled or constant Variable?
When particles are heated they....?
What is they move faster?
What happens to the volume of an object as it goes through a phase change?
When matter decreases in volume because of cooling.
What is contraction?
a variable that changes BECAUSE we changed something
What is responding or dependent variable?
Ms. Jalbert boiled water and steam was seen coming off the top. This is the two states of matter that was observed in this experiment.
What is liquid and gas?
When particles are cooled they....?
What is they move slower?
What is density?
mass per unit volume of substance
Temperature by the expansion or contraction of a liquid
What does a liquid thermometer measure?
a variable that we change
What is manipulated or independent variable?
The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid?
What is melting?
Pulls particles together
What is attractive forces?
What is phase change?
matter that changes such as liquid to solid
Freezing point of water
What is 0 degrees Celsius?
A force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth
What is gravity?
This occurs when a few particles of water are moving fast enough to break free AT THE SURFACE and become gas.
What is evaporation?
everything is made up of these...
What are atoms?
What is a magnetic force?
forces exerted by magnets: they will repel or attract
Boiling point of water.
What is 100 degrees Celsius?
In Star Wars the name of the circular Space Station
What is the Death Star?