Middle School Survival Tips
Hart Campus
Email Etiquette
Random Stuff

You should do THIS when an assignment is due.

What is... turn it in ON TIME?


This is where you can find a map of the Hart campus.

What is... in your planner?


True or False: you should put a lot of information in the subject line in an email.

What is FALSE?

Keep it short and sweet.


_____________ is when you wait until the last minute to do something.

What is procrastination?


Name 2 ways to stay organized.

What is.....use your planner, check Synergy a couple of times a week, color-code your folders/notebooks, keep your backpack clean/organized, get rid of work you no longer need.


This part of the office is where you can go if you are having a hard day and need someone to talk to

What is... the Counseling Office?


In Gmail, this is the button in the upper lefthand corner that you press to begin an email.

What is... compose?


To stay healthy, these are two things you can do.

What are....get enough sleep (8 hours or more), exercise, and eat a healthy foods.


Name one way you can get involved at Hart.

What is join a club?  What is join a sport?


Your science teacher's classroom is in this building.

What is... the E building


You should do this before pushing send on an email.

What is... proofread it


Name 3 study techniques.

What are flash cards, someone quizzing you, review key notes, rewrite key information, complete practice problems?


This is what you can do if you don't understand something in class or are confused.

What is... ask a question?


This is where you can find the student phone to make a phone call if you forget something.

What is... the main office?


In the basic structure of an email, after the subject line, this is the start of the email.

What is... the greeting?


These are the names of our principal and assistant principals.

Who are Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Maglio, and Mr. Nelson?


This is what you should do if you are absent.

What is.. check your teachers' website, talk to your teacher, or ask a friend what you missed?


This is where you will go during lunch on a rainy day.

What is... the MPR or the GYM


In an email, CC and BCC mean this.

What is... carbon copy and blind carbon copy?


P.R.I.D.E stands for.....

What is Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Empathy?