Be nice :)

In what settings should you be kind? 

A. School

B. Home

C. All of the above



Name one negative social skills when communicating with others.

1. Interupting 

2. Ignoring

3. Walking away

4. Being distracted

5. Innapropriate response 


What is one positive and one negative feeling you've had today? 

For double point explain what made you feel that way.


In a friendship honesty is always the best policy, but every policy has exceptions. 

What is it called when you lie or withhold the truth in order to protect a friends feelings?  

A white lie

Name two positive social skills when communicating with others

1. listening 

2. ask a question after they speak

3. sharing a similar experience

4. asking how what they shared made them feel

5. if they are upset, ask if/how you can help them feel better


What are two social skills that can be used to start a conversation?

Greeting the person with a question "Hey, how is it going?" or "What did you do this weekend?"

Bonus Points: what do both these questions show the person you're speaking with?


What are two characteristics of a kind person?

Compassionate, good listener, patient, understanding, forgiving, positive, helpful. 


Give two reasons why social skills are important.

1. we want to feel included 

2. we need them to make others feel respected 

3. healthy relationships require them to get over "hiccups" 

4. it is importnat that we can express ourselves and other feel safe to do the same


Name two social skills you used today with peers or adutls.

Is it possible to be kind all the time?

When is it harder to be kind? 

When we are upset, distracted, tired, or not feeling well. 

If we have offended someone. Is that it? Is the relationship over? What can be done?

NO! We can use our skills to repair. 

1. apologize

2. explain how you were feeling when you made a mistake

3. explain why you behaved that way

Is it ok to not repair?

1. depends on the situation and who it is


What are four ways we communicate feelings?

1. our facial expression 

2. our body language

3. our words

4. ignoring


What are three ways you can show kindness towards someone you don't know?

1. help them with homework

2. tell them you like their outfit

3. listen to them when they speak

4. try not to interupt

5. show excitment about things they are excited about


Is it possible to be perfect at these skills? Are adults perfect at these skills?



Name three reasons social skills are important when communicating feelings and emotions?

No one is perfect. Conflict is natural. We need to be able to work through "hiccups" and "breakdowns"