Translate: Monday
Translate: blue
These are the two phrases you use to start the sentence with when telling time.
1. Son las...
2. Es la una...
Translate: grapes
Answer in Spanish: ¿Cómo estás?
(Yo) estoy bien/mal/regular/cansado/etc.
True or False? You should capitalize the days of the week in Spanish.
Translate: pink
Translate: AM (in the morning)
de la mañana
Translate: green beans
las habichuelas
Answer in Spanish: ¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo...
Translate: Saturday, June 3
Hoy es sábado, el tres de junio.
Translate: orange
Translate: It's two o'clock.
Son las dos.
Translate: I like
True or False? There are 27 letters in the Spanish alphabet.
Translate: Thursday, July 13
Hoy es jueves, el trece de julio.
Translate: dark red
rojo oscuro
Translate to Spanish: 3:17 PM
Son las tres y diecisiete de la tarde.
Translate: apple juice
el jugo de manzana
What does the word "Hispanic" mean?
From a Spanish-speaking country.
Translate: Friday, December 1
Hoy es viernes, el primero de diciembre.
Translate: light purple
morado claro
Translate: It's a quarter til four.
Son las cuatro menos cuarto.
el plátano
List five countries where Spanish is the official language.
Answers will vary.