Unit Rate
Better Buy
Equivalent Ratios
(w/ words)
Proportions/equivalent ratios (No words)

If Kaylin drives 53 miles in 2 hours, what is her rate (speed per hour).

Rate is the amount of miles in 1 hour

miles/hours =

26.5 miles per hour

53 mi / 2 hr. = 26.5 miles per hour


Which one is the better buy? Find the unit rate of each.

3 apple pies for $11

7 apple pies for $24

***Find the Unit Rate for each (price for 1)

Cost / Number = Unit Rate (price for 1)

***The one with the LOWEST price is the answer

7 Apple pies

3 Apple pies Unit Rate  $11 / 3 = $3.67

7 Apple pies Uni Rate   $24 / 7 = $3.43


Determine if each pair of ratios or rates is equivalent. $3 for 6 bagels; $9 for 24 bagels

Find the UNIT rate for each and compare.

No; since the unit rates $0.50/1 bagel and $0.38/1 bagel, are not the same, the rates are not equivalent.

***Money always goes on TOP of each ratio

$3/6 =$0.50

$9/24 =$0.38


Solve for a.

a/40 = 3/10

****Use the Butterfly method

a = 12

120        120/10 = 12


Macy bought a package of three T-shirts for $18.75. What is the price per T-shirt? 

per means "1" so you need to find the Unit Rate

money/number =


$18.75 / 3 = $6.25 for one T-shirt


Which one is the better buy? Find the unit rate of each.

5 cans of coke for $3

6 cans of coke for $3.80

***Find the Unit Rate for each (price for 1)

Cost / Number = Unit Rate (price for 1)

***The one with the LOWEST price is the answer

5 cans of coke is the better buy

5 cans of coke    $3/5 = $0.60 each can

6 cans of coke   $3.80/6 = $0.63 each can


Determine if each pair of ratios or rates is equivalent. 96 words typed in 3 minutes; 160 words typed in 5 minutes.

Find the UNIT rate for each and compare.

Yes; since the unit rates are the same, 32 words/1 minute, the rates are equivalent.

96 w / 3 m = 32 words in 1 minute

160 w/ 5 m = 32 words in 1 minute


Solve for c.

6/11 = c/77

***Use the butterfly method

c = 42

462              462/11 = 42


If 12 bags of hot Cheetos cost $7.80, then how much does 1 bag cost?

"1" means to find the Unit Rate

money/number =

$0.65 per bag

$7.80 / 12 = $0.65 for 1 bag


Which one is the better buy? Find the unit rate of each.

28 stickers for $15

40 stickers for $20

***Find the Unit Rate for each (price for 1)

$Cost / Number = Unit Rate (price for 1)

***The one with the LOWEST price is the answer

40 stickers

28 stickers      $15/28 =$0.54 for 1 sticker

40 stickers      $20/40 = $0.50 for 1 sticker


Determine if each pair of ratios or rates is equivalent. 288 miles on 12 gallons of fuel; 240 miles on 10 gallons of fuel.

Find the UNIT rate for each and compare.

Yes; since the ratios share the same unit rate, the number of miles driven and the number of gallons of fuel form equivalent ratios.

288 mi / 12 gal = 24 miles on 1 gallon of fuel

240 mi / 10 gal = 24 miles on 1 gallon of fuel


Solve for k.

15/12 = 90/k

***Use the butterfly method

k = 72

1080          1080/15 = 72


Lily bought a 5-kilogram can of peanuts for $4.50. What is the unit price?

Unit Price means the price for ONE

money/number =


$4.50 / 5 = $0.90 for 1 kg


Which one is the better buy? Find the unit rate of each.

3 months subscription for $20

12 month subscription for $80

***Find the Unit Rate for each (price for 1)

$Cost / Number = Unit Rate (price for 1)

***The one with the LOWEST price is the answer

They are equal

3 months    $20/3 =$6.67

12 months  $80/12 =$$6.67


Determine if each pair of ratios or rates is equivalent. 16 out of 28 students own pets; 240 out of 560 students own pets

Find the UNIT rate for each and compare.

No the ratios are not equivalent.

16/28 = 0.57

240/560 = 0.43


Solve for k.

k/6 = 8/16

***Use the butterfly method

k = 3

48               48/16 = 3


Noah bought a box of 23 pretzel rods for $10.81. What is the price per pretzel rod?

Unit Price means the price for ONE

Cost / Number = price for ONE


$10.81 / 23 = $0.47 for 1 pretzel rod


Which one is the better buy? 

Find the unit rate of each.

5 Pair of pants for $97.50

3 Pair of Pants for $58.80

***Find the Unit Rate for each (price for 1)

Cost / Number = Unit Rate (price for 1)

***The one with the LOWEST price is the answer

5 Pair $97.50 /5 = $19.50 each

3 Pair   $58.80 / 3 = $19.60 each

5 pair is the Better Buy


Determine if each pair of ratios or rates is equivalent. 8 pairs of socks for $12; 3 pairs of socks for $6

Find the UNIT rate for each and compare.

No the ratios are not equivalent.

MONEY always goes on top of your ratio.

$12/8 =$1.50 for 1 pair of socks

$6/3 = $2.00 for 1 pair of socks


Solve for h.

5.4/7 = 27/h

***Use the butterfly method

h = 35

189           189/5.4=35