What's the meaning of "uni-?"
one or single
"-ist" means ???
one who does, skilled in
What's the meaning of the root "multi?"
more than one, many
What is the meaning of "require?"
to need or demand
What's the meaning of "alternate?"
to change back and forth; take turns
"dis-" helps the reader know the word disagree means ???
not agree
"-able" helps the reader know the word achievable means ???
able to achieve
What is the meaning of the root "micro?"
very, very small; tiny
What word means few in number?
What word means to stop working?
We cleaned our hands with antibacterial soap. What's the meaning of "anti-?"
"mis" helps the reader know the word is misinformed means ???
not informed
What's the meaning of "hydra?"
water or liquid
When Darla went to London, she had to ________ her money from dollars to pounds.
The movie was so ________ that I didn't move the entire 3 hours it was on.
What is an example word using "semi?"
semicircle, semifinal, semiannual
What's the meaning of "-ible?"
able to be
What is an example word using "rupt?"
disrupt, bankrupt, erupt
The mayor made the streets more safe for those people that walk. What word is connected?
The money will go back to the city if the school district doesn't use it. What word connects?
"mis" helps the reader know the word is misinformed means ???
not informed
"-tion" helps the reader know the word narration means ???
process of narrating a story
"mega" helps the reader know the word megastar means ???
famous, most popular, really big
Name something "bland" and explain why.
ex. - foods with no seasoning like rice, potatoes, eggs, lean meats
It took Jill a long time to _______ through the crowded department store.