Drawing Conclusions
Making Inferences
Figurative Language
Context Clues
Carla really wanted a puppy, but her parents didn't care for dogs. Most of her friends had dogs, and she really enjoyed playing with them. Every time she asked her parents, they would say, "They are a lot of responsibility. You have to feed and play with them. Also, when they are puppies, they needed to be trained." Although her parents didn't believe she was mature enough to have a dog, she knew that she take could care of one. Carla knew she wasn't the most responsible person when it came to taking care of her toys, but a puppy would be different. Each day she made a concentrated effort to pick up her toys and help out around the house. She knew her parents were pleased with her new, responsible attitude. She was hoping her hard work would finally pay off. When she came home from school, she heard a whining noise coming from a box with air holes. Could this be what she thought it was? You can conclude that a. Carla started acting more responsible in hopes that her parents would believe she was mature enough to have a dog. b. Carla likes to play with boxes. c. Carla never takes care of her belongings. d. Carla was paid for helping out around the house.
What is a. Carla started acting more responsible in hopes that her parents would believe she was mature enough to have a dog?
When you are asked to summarize, you should: a. include specific details b. include only the basic facts. c. list the sequence d. write the paragraph over again.
What is b. include only the basic facts?
What is the best meaning of the term "drawing inferences?" A. something you would do in art class B. to figure something out from clues C. something you would do in math class D. curious
What is B. to figure something out from clues?
What is the correct definition of alliteration? a. A word that imitates a sound. b. An extreme exaggeration. c. The repetition of beginning sounds. d. Giving human characteristics of inanimate objects.
What is c. The repetition of beginning sounds?
Your ideas do not make any sense. They are absolutely LUDICROUS. What is the meaning of the word LUDICROUS? a. calm b. silly c. passionate d. same
What is b. silly?
What sits on every dinner table in the United States? We use it every day on our food but rarely think about it. Salt is an extremely important mineral that our bodies need, but too much salt is not good for us. China and the United States produce the most salt in the world. Salt comes from dried seawater. Indians long ago evaporated seawater and made salt to season their food. Salt is used in many ways. Glass and soap contain salt. It is used to de-ice roads in winter. Also, it is used in medicine, oil refining, sewage treatment, cattle feed, and even to soften hard water. As you can see, salt is a very important mineral. You can conclude that a. the North might use more salt on the roads than the South. b. the human body can live without salt. c. The Indians used salt to preserve their meat. d. salt makes water better tasting.
What is a. the North might use more salt on the roads than the South?
Look at the sentences below. Choose the best summary for the sentences: * Columbus believed that he could find a water route to China. * Columbus wanted to find a better route to China because Marco Polo had described the riches that were in China. * Marco Polo wrote about the golden cities in China. Choose the best summary for the sentences above. A. Columbus wanted to find a water route to China in order to reach the golden cities that Marco Polo had written about. B. Columbus wanted to find the golden cities that Marco Polo had written about. C. Marco Polo wrote about China which made Columbus want to find it. D. Columbus was a navigator.
What is A. Columbus wanted to find a water route to China in order to reach the golden cities that Marco Polo had written about?
Read the following passage and answer the question. Pretend you are at Wal Mart. As you are walking down the candy aisle, you notice a little boy crying and pulling on his mom's skirt as she pushes her cart towards the front of the store. The closer she gets towards the front of the store, the louder the little boy screams. Lots of things could be wrong with the little boy, BUT we can probably conclude that- Choose the best answer. A. The little boy is very tired. B. The little boy is hungry. C. He wants candy, and his mom said no. D. He wants his father.
What is C. He wants candy, and his mom said no?
What is the correct definition of a metaphor? a. Giving human characteristics to inanimate objects. b. A phrase that contrasts two objects. c. A comparison using the words “like” or “as”. d. A comparison NOT using the words “like” or “as”.
What is d. A comparison NOT using the words “like” or “as”?
If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all! Which word is a synonym of "curtail"? a. reduce b. follow c. behind d. buy
What is a. reduce?
Richard and Luis had been hiking for hours. Richard had to carry Luis for the last few miles of the hike. Sweat was rolling down his face as the sun shone directly overhead. What conclusion can be drawn about Luis's age? a. He is older than Richard b. He is the same age as Richard c. He just had a birthday d. He is younger than Richard
What is d. He is younger than Richard?
Look at the sentences below. Choose the best summary for the sentences: * In the morning of October 12, 1492, a sailor on the Pinta spotted land. * As the daylight appeared, Columbus saw an island that was "so green that it is a pleasure to gaze upon". * Columbus and his men landed on an island in the Bahamas. Choose the best summary for the sentences above. A. On October 12, 1492, the sailors landed in the Bahamas. B. Columbus landed in the Bahamas. C. On October 12, 1492, Columbus landed on the island in the Bahamas that a sailor on the Nina had spotted earlier that morning. D. Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas and said it was "so green that it is a pleasure to gaze upon."
What is C. On October 12, 1492, Columbus landed on the island in the Bahamas that a sailor on the Nina had spotted earlier that morning?
Read the following passage and answer the question. Manuel was on the baseball team that was playing the first place team. It was the first game that his grandparents and uncle Thomas attended. Manuel swung his bat while looking for his family in the large crowd. Just as he spotted his grandmother, his greatest fear came true. He lost his grip on the bat, and it started to fall. Even though he caught it quickly, Manuel's face became red. He felt as if he had made a horrible mistake and everyone were staring at him. The passage suggests that Manuel almost dropped his bat partly because he - A. was thinking about the baseball game B. wasn't strong enough C. was looking for his family D. was frightened by a loud noise
What is C. was looking for his family?
What element of figurative language is this: "My backpack weighed a million pounds?"
What is hyperbole?
Molly was in a hurry to get to the playground. She pulled up the zipper on her coat so fast that her sweater got stuck in it. She struggled to unzip but couldn't do it. Luckily, her mom was able to extricate the sweater. Using context clues what does extricate mean? a. broken b. notice c. remove
What is c. remove?
Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn about the story? a. Julio was disappointed at dinner because he was hoping to have fish for dinner. b. Julio's mother doesn't like fish c. It takes a long time to catch fish d. Julio's father is a better fisherman than Julio
What is a. Julio was disappointed at dinner because he was hoping to have fish for dinner.
Read the paragraph below to answer questions 1 and 2. In the 1500s, a Spanish explorer by the name of Balboa came to the Americas to seek his fortune and glory. He set out to find a region described by the Indians as "flowing with gold." They also told him about another sea that he wanted to find. He pushed through a rainforest and four days later found the "South Sea." He claimed it for Spain. 1. Who found the South Sea and claimed it for Spain? A. Spain B. Americas C. Columbus D. Balboa 2. Where and When did the event in the paragraph above take place? A. In the 1500s in Spain. B. In the 1500s in the Rainforest C. In the 1500s in the Americas D. In the 1400s with the Indians.
What is 1. A Spain and 2. C?
What are some good tips and tricks to use when taking a test or trying to become a better reader? A. Read the question before reading the story. B. Read the story twice. C. Find key words in the question, and scan the story for the words. D. All of the above
What is D. All of the above?
What element of figurative language is this: "The sun’s rays wrapped its warm arms around my body?"
What is personification?
When they heard the good news about the court's decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. "It looks like everyone is going home," one reporter stated. Which would be the opposite of "disperse"? a. come together b. smile c. move away d. cheer
What is a. come together?
Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner. Why did Julio and his father not take much food with them on the trip? a. they didn't want to eat too much b. they didn't have any food at their house c. they were planning on eating the fish that they caught d. they don't like to eat fish
What is c. they were planning on eating the fish that they caught?
Which of the following sentences include the information necessary to be a summary sentence without giving unnecessary details? A. In 1488 a Protuguese sea captain named Bartolomeu Dias sailed on his ship to the southern tip of Africa and later named it the Cape of Good Hope because the king was so overjoyed at the discovery that Dias had made. B. Prince Henry, "the Navigator", started a school for map makers. C. In 1271, Marco Polo began a journey to China which inspired him to write a book that included interesting facts about the Chinese. D. Vasco Da Gamma sailed along the coast of Africa.
What is C. In 1271, Marco Polo began a journey to China which inspired him to write a book that included interesting facts about the Chinese?
Read the following passage and answer the question. One of the rarest animals in the world is the Tasmanian Devil. I'm not talking about the one you see in cartoons, but the real wolf-like animal that lives on the island of Tasmania. Every few years someone claims to see one, but they never have proof. A few years ago, some scientists who were studying plants found a skeleton, teeth and some skin in a remote area of Tasmania. They were excited as they believed they had found the remains of the rare Tasmanian Devil. They drew a picture of what they thought the animal may have looked like when it was alive. The scientists then sent the picture along with the skeleton, teeth and skin to Washington D.C. What did the scientists probably do with the skeleton, teeth and bones? A. Sent them to a country with more experienced scientists. B. Made clothing, jewelry, and other ornaments out of them C. Studied them carefully and compared them to other animals D. Sold them to museums that displayed them
What is C. Studied them carefully and compared them to other animals?
What type of figurative language is this an example of: "A firehouse burning down?"
What is irony?
Fortunately, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing within seconds and had no trouble winning the match. When you describe an event as "transient," you are saying that.... a. it sounds like a train b. it is quite harmful c. it helps you win d. it doesn't last long
What is d. it doesn't last long?