This type of figurative language gives human characteristics to inanimate objects or animals. For example, "The wind whispered through the trees."
What is personification?
This is the opening paragraph of an essay, and it should capture the reader's attention and introduce the topic.
What is the introduction?
This text structure presents information by explaining how events or actions lead to specific results. For example, a passage about how weather patterns cause flooding.
What is cause and effect?
This is the beginning of a story where the characters and setting are introduced.
What is the exposition?
This text features plots dates along a line to show when events happened.
What is a timeline?
This figurative language compares two unlike things by stating one thing is another, without using "like" or "as." For example, "The snow was a white blanket."
What is a metaphor?
This part of the essay should not only summarize the main points, but also relate back to the thesis statement.
What is the conclusion?
This text structure organizes information by listing the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, such as two different types of Texas wildlife.
What is compare and contrast?
After the climax, these events wrap up the story and lead to the resolution.
What is the falling action?
The style used to emphasize important words or phrases.
What is bold or italics?
An extreme exaggeration used to emphasize a point or create a humorous effect. For example, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse."
What is hyperbole?
This sentence, usually found at the end of the introduction, states the main argument or point of the essay.
What is the thesis statement or claim?
This text structure organizes information in a sequence of events or a series of steps. For example, a passage about the history of the Texas oil industry or the steps involved in making tortillas.
What is chronological order or sequence?
This is the most exciting or intense part of the story, where the main problem is faced.
What is the climax?
This text feature provides a short explanation or description of a photograph or illustration.
What is a caption?
The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of several words in a phrase or sentence.
What is alliteration?
These paragraphs make up the main part of the essay and provide support for the thesis statement with facts, examples, and details.
What are the body paragraphs?
This text structure presents an issue or challenge and then offers one or more ways to solve it. For example, a passage about water conservation challenges in Texas and possible solutions.
What is problem and solution?
This part of the story includes the events that build tension and lead to the most exciting part.
What is the rising action?
This text feature is a visual representation of data, often using bars or lines, to show comparisons or changes over time.
What is a graph?
Identify 2 types of figurative language used in the following sentence: "The ancient oak tree, a stoic sentinel, stood guard over the whispering meadow, its branches reaching like gnarled fingers towards the sky, as if to say, 'I've seen a million suns.'"
What is a combination of personification, metaphor, hyperbole, and simile?
In the body paragraphs, you must use this to support your claims and prove your thesis statement.
What is evidence?
This text structure focuses on providing vivid details about a person, place, or thing, often using sensory language to create a mental picture for the reader.
What is descriptive?
The character who opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
What is antagonist?
This text feature is a visual representation of information that uses labeled parts to show the relationships between different items, such as the human digestive system.
What is a diagram?