Chemistry 101
Temperature & Stuff
Molecular Movement
Phase Changes
Science Facts

Hardness can be determined using this...

What is a scratch test?


Sample A has a higher kinetic energy than Sample B - Which sample has a higher temperature.

What is sample A?


H2O is the formula for water. Water is NOT found on the periodic table because?

What only elements are on the Periodic Table. 

(FYI Water is considered both a compound and a molecule)


These gas molecules condense and become rain. 

What are water molecules?


This has mass, volume and is made up of moving atoms...

What are three characteristics of matter?


This type of molecule is the same in the gas phase and the solid phase...

What is a water molecule?


When this is added to a substance, it causes molecules to move faster and the temperature to increase.

What is thermal energy?


Molecules will move more slowly when...

What is when water cools and freezes?


What happens to the space between atoms/molecules when a substance changes from a liquid to a solid.

What is the spacing of particles decreases because there is less kinetic energy?


This is the "stuff" that makes up all material...

What is matter?


If a substance is made up of only one type of atom, the substance must be called this...

What is an element?


John was playing basketball and was hit in the arm by the ball. His arm began to swell up. From the perspective of particle motion, explain why applying ice is a good remedy.

What is the ice will cause the particles to slow down and the swelling to decrease?


This is best described as the average speed of particles...

What is temperature?


A block of dry ice was placed in a plastic bag and stored in the freezer. The next day the block of dry ice was no longer in the bag. What is this process called?

What is sublimation?


After cooking bacon, I poured the hot bacon grease into a plastic cup. A few hours later, there was a piece of solid grease in the cup.

What is freezing?


the amount of three-dimensional space occupied by a substance or object, measured in cubic units like cubic meters (m^3) or liters (L

What is volume?


According to current scientific understanding, "everything" is made up of these...

What are atoms?


When gas cools and molecules moves closer together to form a liquid this is called what?

What is condensation? 


What is Humidity?

Excess water vapor molecules in the lower atmosphere


Melted chocolate poured into a candy mold to make a definite shape.

What is freezing?


The measurement of how much matter an object has is known as...

What is mass?


This substance has mass and takes up space by having volume.

What is matter?


Describe the relationship between the kinetic energy of particles and temperature.

What is when kinetic energy decreases the temperature also decreases?


Menthol gas particles rose to the top of the Erlenmeyer flask, and then cooled forming menthol crystals on the watch glass.

What is deposition? 

You take butter out of the fridge and put it in a pan to heat it up. When it was completely heated, It becomes a liquid. Name this process.

What is melting?