Prepositional phrases
Direct Objects
Predicate Adjectives
Writing Mechanics

Tell what the prepositional phrases are: 

The class went to the museum.  

What is to the museum?  


A direct object comes after what kind of verb?  

What is an action verb?


Is the verb action or linking?  

The cupcake tasted delicious.  

What is a linking verb? 


What type of verb does a predicate adjective come after?  

What is a linking verb?  


How would you write this title?  I receive a subscription to a magazine called Cricket.

What is Cricket?  


Tell what the prepositional phrases are: 

Their family went on vacation to Disney World.  

What is on vacation, to Disney World?


What is the direct object in the sentence? 

The children ran through the woods.  

What is NONE


Is the following verb action or linking? 

Bill ran to the park.  

What is action?  


What part of speech must a predicate adjective be?  

What is an adjective?


What is the correct abbreviation for Avenue?

What is Ave.?


Tell what the prepositional phrases are: 

Everyone went to the mall except Daniel and Maria.  

What is to the mall, except Daniel and Maria?


What is the direct object in the sentence? 

We ate brownies and cookies as an afternoon snack.  

What is brownies/cookies?


What kind of verb is in this sentence?  

She will be late for ballet class.  

What is linking verb (with a helping verb)?


What is the predicate adjective in the sentence?  

The book on Abraham Lincoln was interesting.  

What is interesting?


How would you correct the following:

Oh no class begins in an hour!

What is Oh, no! ?


Tell what the prepositional phrases are: 

During the storm, the windows throughout the house began to shake.  

What is during the storm, throughout the house?


What is the direct object in the sentence? 

We walked around the park until it closed.  

What is NONE?


List all the helping verbs.  

What are  do, does, did, has, have, had, may, might, musth, should, would, could, shall, will, can, is, am, are, was, were, being, been?  


What is the predicate adjective in the sentence?  

Her neighbor was old and grumpy.  

What is old/ grumpy?


Where do the commas go?  Yes Linda I would like you to bring plates napkins and cups to the party.  

What is Yes, Linda, I would like you to bring plates, napkins, and cups to the party.  


Tell what the prepositional phrases are: 

A memo was sent out concerning rules for taking time off.  

What is concerning rules?  


What is the direct object in the sentence? 

Aunt Melinda sent us tickets to the show.  

What is tickets?


List all the linking verbs.  

What are to feel, to sound, to stay, to taste, to grow, to become, to look, to remain, to smell, to appear, to seem, to be (is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been)?  


What is the predicate adjective in the sentence?  

Blair will be the new principal next year.  

What is NONE?  


Correctly use quotations.  how beautiful San Francisco is now exclaimed Sara.  

What is "How beautiful San Francisco is now!" exclaimed Sara.