Yellow Deck
Yellow Deck 2

Which festival is described below?

The Ramons are Catholics, like most of the other families in their village. The statue of Mary is carried out of the main church and paraded in town.



How did Islam get here?

The Middle East

The faith of Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Arabia. Islam spread rapidly to the surrounding regions.


The Hindu belief is that gods or divinities can take many forms, but all form one universal spirit called



What is the Budda's real name

Siddhartha Gautama


Followers of the Christian religion base their beliefs on the life, teachings, and death of

Jesus Christ


Everyone in Samarqand is proud of Registan because of ________, which are Islamic religious schools. The first such place was built by ________ in the 15th century.

Madrasahs; Ulugh Beg


How did Islam get here?

South-East Asia

Arab and Indian merchants who had come to buy spices brought Islam with them. Many of the local rulers were attracted to the religion and converted, encouraging their subjects to do the same.


Hindus believe the conditions of one's present life are due to ___ or accumulated good or bad behavior in past lives.



Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) grew up in a wealthy family. He decided to follow a path of self-denial but did not find truth until he sat down under a tree, now known as the ___. There he was "enlightened" and obtained the knowledge he had been looking for.

Bo tree


They believe in the ___ (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).



How did Islam get here?

Europe & North America

Islam was introduced in Europe early in the 8th century, when Arab armies conquered southern Spain. In North America, the first Muslims to arrive were the slaves who were captured from West Africa. The next group arrived as immigrants in the 20th century.


The three most important representations of Brahman are

Brahma, the creator of the universe, Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, and Shiva, the destroyer of the universe.


Buddhists believe in ___ and that one must stop the cycle of rebirth as a suffering, selfish individual, and must attain Nirvana, which is the highest point and the end of the self.



On the third day after his crucifixion, Jesus Christ arose from the dead. The resurrection of Christ is celebrated on ___.



How did Islam get here?

Central Asia

Arab armies were followed by Muslim traders and merchants who started using the Silk Route. Shia and Sufi pirs also converted large number of people to Islam.


Eventually the soul will achieve ___, or salvation, and stop the cycle of rebirths to become a part of the absolute soul.



What is the following known as:

1) existence is suffering, 2) the cause of suffering is craving and attachment, 3) suffering ceases at some point and turns to Nirvana (liberation or total bliss) and 4) there is a path to Nirvana which is made up of eight steps, sometimes called the Eightfold Path.

Four Noble Truths


Christians belive that salvation can only be obtained by

Believing that Jesus was sent by God to forgive the sins of every human, and to confess those sins to Him.


How did Islam get here?

North & West Africa

Islam was introduced in North Africa by Arabs in the 7th century. Islam spread to Spain as well as across the Sahara and into West Africa through various dynasties.