What is your learning target for RL2?

Determine the theme of the text and how its conceyed


What is the learning target for RL3?

Describe how a particular story or drama unfolds


What is the learning target for RL4?

Determine the meaning of words and phrases


What is the learning target for RL5?

Analyze how a particular chapter or scene contribute to the overall text


What is the learning target for RL6?

Determine the POV (perspective) of the character in the story


What is the theme ?

Moral lesson the character learns in the story


What is the sequence of events in the story called?

The Plot


What should you use in the text to read between the lines to infer what words or phrases mean? 

Context Clues


How should you break the text up to analyze portions of the text?

Chunk the text


When you are identifying the character's POV- You are looking for their _______ on the topic/story



What is the equation for theme?

L3 - Life Lesson Learned


The beginning of the plot that introduces the characters & setting? 



For the duration of time that they were gone, they sat in a hotel room twenty miles away and watched the event unfold on the news . 

What does duration mean? 

amount of time


Natalie and her family were out camping one night.  When everyone was asleep in the tent, Natalie was awaken to a strange sound.  It sounded as if something was moving right outside her tent.  Natalie nudged her father awake and whispered to him that she heard something moving outside tent.

What is the purpose of this paragraph?

To set the tone of the story & introduce the characters and setting 


My father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So, I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip. 

Who is telling the story?



Johnny moved to Dallas ready try out for the track team because he was the fastest in his old city. However, wen he raced the popular student James he lost. Johnny went home and practiced for the first time. The next day the coach asked Johnny and James to race again. Johnny won. 

What is the theme of this passage?

Practice makes perfect


What is the climax of the story?

the highest point of tension where the conflict comes to a head  


Mr. Miller ran to the door and called to his wife, and they jumped in his car together and drove away from the hazardous conditions, not sure if they would ever be able to come back. 

What does hazardous mean?



At first, her dad tried to convince Natalie that it was just the wind.  Then, he heard it too. All of the sudden, they heard the cans and food next to their fire pit being broken into. Natalie’s dad picked up a huge stick and peeked out of the tent.  There was a family of raccoons raiding their food. Her dad was relieved they were not bears.  However, raccoons can have dangerous diseases.

What was the purpose of the paragraph?

To develop a sense of concern and add to the events in the plot


Miss Little tapped impatiently on the top of the piano, “One, two, three, one, two, three. . .” thinking to herself the whole time how impossible it was to teach these children, who absolutely refused to learn. 

What is the narrators perspective?

Miss Little is frustrated because the kids do not want to learn 


Winter was coming and the experienced group of hikers were ready for their journey. Kalena checked her bag before the hike to make sure she had all her items including extra clothes and socks. In the middle of their climb, there was an avalanche that trapped the hikers. Kalena was the only one with extra items which she shared. 

What is the theme of this passage

Always be prepared


How do we analyze character change in the text?

We analyze what they say/do from beginning to the end of the text


As in school, then a scholarship to college is inevitable, so he is rigorous about his studies. 

What does inevitable mean?

Bound to Happen


 Her dad used the big stick and his flash light to scare off the raccoons.  Unfortunately, all of their food was ransacked by the raccoons with the exception of the canned goods.  The next day, Natalie and her family rode into town to get some more food for the rest of the camping trip and a sturdier food cooler. 

What is the purpose of this paragraph?

To solve the conflict and conclude the story


Curly stood, dead still, and stared at the squirrel. Except for the breeze that lifted first one, and then another, of his chestnut locks, he could have been a statue. I waited to see what he was going to do.

What is the narrator's perspective?

Curly is curious about the squirrel