Theme and POV
Informational Text

What are "paragraphs" in poems called?



What are 2 other words for theme?

moral or lesson

There were neat fences at the sides of the road, painted a dainty blue color, and beyond them were fields of grain and vegetables in abundance. Evidently the Munchkins were good farmers and able to raise large crops.

Which words from the paragraph help the reader understand the meaning of abundance?

A. good farmers 

B. neat fences 

C. able to raise 

D. large crops

D. large crops


With a population of fewer than 10,000 individuals remaining, the aye-aye is considered an endangered species. In fact, aye-ayes were thought to be completely extinct in 1933, but they were rediscovered 15 years later. Habitat loss due to farming is one reason behind why there are fewer and fewer aye-ayes in existence. Another explanation is local superstition. The people of Madagascar believe that the aye-aye is a sign of bad luck and the only way to prevent misfortune is killing the animal on sight.

The author organizes this paragraph with the purpose of describing the –

A. events that led to the aye-aye’s endangered status. 

B. causes of the aye-aye’s decreasing population and the effects of hunting on the number of aye-aye in existence. 

C. fact that the aye-aye is on the endangered species list and comparing it with other animals on the list. 

D. the problem with the aye-aye being an endangered species and the steps being taken to increase their population.

A. events that led to the aye-aye’s endangered status. 


What two things MUST be included in an extended constructed response?

Introduction and Conclusion


What 2 things can "sentences" in poems be called?

lines and verses


Who learns something from the theme?

the reader or the main character?


Jennifer stepped up to the line, drenched in sweat. Her pulse was racing as her teammates lined up in front of her, giving her encouraging nods and smiles. She hadn’t practiced free throws as much as her coach insisted that the team should. Her hands were shaking as she lifted the orange ball above her head, and her arms tensed as she got into shooting position. She gulped as she looked around at the crowd, then at the scoreboard, its glowing numerals showing “43-42,” almost taunting her. Then, she closed her eyes hard, opening them just as the ball left her hands. 

The reader can infer that:

A. Jennifer does not like playing basketball. 

B. Jennifer’s team is winning. 

C. Jennifer’s shot will probably not go in. 

D. Jennifer has not made many free throws before.

D. Jennifer has not made many free throws before.


If the author organizes a text by introduces a problem and describes what caused it, what is the text structure?

cause and effect


What are the two different types of hooks that you may use?

Question or statement


What type of figurative language gives animals or objects human characteristics?



How many perspectives does the narrator share in 3rd person Omniscient Point of View?

More than 1 

What happens during the climax?

It is the turning point. A big change happens or is about to take place.


If you are using the eduphoria dictionary and you come across another word in the definition that you don't know, what can you do?

double dictionary, look up the words in the defintion


What goes into your body paragraph?

Topic sentence

Text evidence

Analyze or Explain


What type of figurative language compares using the words like or as?



How may perspectives doe the narrator share or know with 3rd Person Limited Point of View?

Only 1 (Think! Limited Time Only)


What happens in the Rising Action?

The problem or conflict is introduced.


How can text features help us understand a text before we read?

They tell us what the text is going to be about and sometimes answers to questions are located in the text features (timelines, charts, diagrams, etc.)

What 2 things tell me that it is an Extended Constructed response and not a Short Constructed Response?

Bullet points and over 2,000 characters


What type of text feature can I look for at the BOTTOM of ANY passage, even a poem, to find extra information?



What is the Author's Purpose or reason for writing a fiction text or poem?



What happens in the Rising Action?

The problem starts to get solved and leads to the resolution.


The organizational structure of a text tells about the life of a famous Latina singer from her birth until the day she was tragically killed, it also discusses problems she faced. What text structure is it?



If you do not introduce the prompt RIGHT AWAY in your thesis you will get what grade?