Sci vs Eng
Variating Variables
Spaghetti Science (Single Strand)
Air Trolley Project
All About Mr. C

An engineer's main objective when designing something

What is solving problems?


This type of variable is deliberately changed or manipulated by the scientist in an experiment.

What is the independent variable?


Engineers want to know the tensile strength of building materials for this (these?) reasons:

What is to to ensure the safety and reliability of built structures like bridges, buildings, etc.


This device traveled across a fishing line in our classroom. 

What is an air trolley? 


The science that Mr. C studied in college. 

What is geology? Other acceptable answers: geoscience, earth science


This type of professional aims to understand the natural world by asking questions and conducting experiments.

What is a scientist? 


In an experiment, this variable is measured or observed to determine the outcome of the experiment 

What is the dependent variable?


The type (not brand) of spaghetti that was found to be universally weaker than all other types

What is whole wheat spaghetti?


The independent variable in the trolley experiment

What is the number of winds?


The neighborhood in Los Angeles Mr. C is from

What is Highland Park? 


A car prototype would be the product of this type of professional

What is an engineer?


This type of variable remains constant throughout the experiment to ensure that other factors do not affect the outcome.

What is a control variable


A material's ability to bend before breaking

What is the tensile strength of a material


The distance traveled in this experiment is this type of variable

What is the dependent variable?


Mr. C's dog's breed is this.

What is a mutt?

beagle basset corgi mix


This is the main goal that drives scientists 

What is to gain new knowledge by answering questions about how the natural world works?


A scientist is investigating how temperature affects the speed of a chemical reaction. She conducts the experiment at three different temperatures: 10°C, 20°C, and 30°C. In each trial, she measures how long it takes for the reaction to be completed. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

The time it takes for the chemical reaction to be completed.


The dependent variable in the spaghetti strength experiment

What is the mass needed to break the spaghetti?


The relationship between the independent and dependent variables in the trolley experiment

What is "with an increased number of winds, we expect an increase in the distance traveled by the trolley?"


The university Mr. C went to for college (for hishis bachelor’s degree)

What is the University of California, Davis?


When engineers want to test a design before building it, they often use this to check how it will work.

What is a model?


A researcher is testing whether different types of music affect how quickly plants grow. She plays different genres of music to three groups of plants: classical music to one group, rock music to another, and no music to the third group. She keeps the amount of water, sunlight, and type of soil the same for all the plants. After two weeks, she measures the growth of the plants. What is the independent variable in this experiment?

The type of music played


The independent variable in the spaghetti strength experiment.

What is the brand of spaghetti used? 


The part of the air trolley that was responsible for actually powering the trolley to move.

What is the rubber band


The list of degrees that Mr. C has (be specific and specify both the degree type and what subject or field it is in. Example - Bachelor of Arts in History)

What is a Bachelor’s of Science in Geology and a Master’s of Science in geology