Earth's Layers
Rock Cycle

Using the information that granite cools very slowly from molten rock, what is granite?
A. an igneous rock
B. an extrusive rock
C. a sedimentary rock
D. a metamorphic rock

A. an igneous rock


Which statement best describes Layer 1 and Layer 2?
A. Layer 1 is the inner core and is solid. Layer 2 is the outer core and is liquid.
B. Layer 1 is the outer core and is liquid. Layer 2 is the inner core and is solid.
C. Layer 1 is the inner core and is not hot. Layer 2 is the outer core and is very hot.
D. Layer 1 is the outer core and is not dense. Layer 2 is the inner core and is very dense.

A. Layer 1 is the inner core and is solid. Layer 2 is the outer core and is liquid.


 How are rocks most often classified?
A. by their age
B. by their mass
C. by their location
D. by their formation

D. by their formation


What is the main difference between a rock and a mineral?
A. A rock can be made up of minerals, but minerals cannot be made up of a rock.
B. A mineral can be made up of rocks, but rocks cannot be made up of minerals.
C. A rock always has the same shape, while minerals may be different in shape.
D. A mineral always has the same shape, while a rock may be different in shape.

A. A rock can be made up of minerals, but minerals cannot be made up of a rock.


 Select two rocks that are igneous.
A. Basalt
B. Coal
C. Granite
D. Gneiss
E. Limestone
F. Slate  

A. Basalt

C. Granite


Which TWO sentences describe Earth's mantle?
A. Earth's mantle is thinner than the crust.
B. Earth's mantle is colder than the outer core.
C. Earth's mantle is warmer than the outer core.
D. Earth's mantle is the thickest of Earth's layers.

B. Earth's mantle is colder than the outer core.

D. Earth's mantle is the thickest of Earth's layers.


Rocks can melt and become what?
A. magma
B. sediment
C. metamorphic rock
D. igneous rock

A. magma


What mineral did Ezra most likely find if it failed to scratch Fangite and had a glassy luster?
A. Fluorite
B. Gypsum
C. Hematite
D. Kaolinite

B. Gypsum


Select two rocks from that are igneous. A. Basalt

B. Coal 

C. Granite

 D. Gneiss

 E. Limestone 

F. Slate

A. Basalt

C. Granite


Scientists analyzed a layer of Earth and determined it was solid, magnetic, and very hot. Which layer did they most likely analyze?
A. the crust
B. the mantle
C. the outer core
D. the inner core

D. the inner core


The weathering and erosion of mountains can lead to which event in the rock cycle?

 A. the compacting of metamorphic rock, which occurs when mountains fall and create sudden high pressure

 B. the cementing of sedimentary rock, which can be formed from sediments weathered from mountains

C. the hardening of liquid magma, which cools as it reaches the surface through cracks in the crust 

D. the erosion of igneous rock, which causes the particles to heat up and melt into liquid magma

B. the cementing of sedimentary rock, which can be formed from sediments weathered from mountains


The mineral content of rocks helps to

 A. classify them.

 B. weigh them. 

C. melt them. 

D. find them.

A. classify them.


Limestone is a type of rock that can form in two ways. It can either form from the accumulation of shell and skeletal debris of ocean organisms, or it can form when calcium compounds precipitate out of ocean water and become cemented together. Under which classification does limestone belong?

A. igneous rock 

B. silica rock

 C. metamorphic rock 

D. sedimentary rock  

D. sedimentary rock  


Which THREE questions could help scientists identify similarities between Earth's layers?
A. Are the layers liquid?
B. Do the layers get above 2,000°C?
C. Are the layers less than 1,000 km thick?
D. Are the layers made of the same material?
E. Do the layers have a density above 7.0 g/cm?

B. Do the layers get above 2,000°C?

D. Are the layers made of the same material?

E. Do the layers have a density above 7.0 g/cm?


Which TWO relationships are correct based on the information in the passage?

 A. Rocks can melt and become magma. 

B. Rocks at the surface are subject to weathering. 

C. Rocks can only form from cooling lava. 

D. Rocks receive heat and pressure from the Sun's energy. E. Rocks always begin as a metamorphic rock.

B. Rocks at the surface are subject to weathering 


The deepest hole ever drilled into Earth's surface is around 12 kilometers deep. Which of Earth's layers does the deepest hole reach?

 A. the crust

B. the mantle 

C. the outer core 

D. the inner core

A. the crust