Who became king of Spain before Napoleon's invasion?
Carlos IV.
100 bonus points: in what year did he become king?
Who was the king after the war ended? What was his opinion of the Constitution of 1812 ("La Pepa")?
The king was Fernando VII. He was an absolute monarch and rejected the constitution.
What was the political system under fernando VII's rule?
Political alternation between The Conservatives and the Liberals.
Name a famous painter of the romanticism
Francisco de Goya.
What new invention changed sociaty?
steam engine
What three countries worked together to defeat Napoleon?
Spain, Portugal, and the United Kingdom.
What was the Salic Law?
The Salic Law was against female rulers. Fernando VII wanted his child, Isabel, to rule, so he revoked the Salic Law.
The system of political alternation was between the Conservatives and the Liberals. Name examples of other political parties.
The Republicans, the Carlists, the socialists, the anarchists.
What did realist writers talk about?
They painted about everyday life.
What two new social classes emerged in the 19th century?
The bourgeoisie, and the working class. (burguesía y proletariado)
(Google classroom)
What is the name of this painting?
Who is the painter?
What is happening in the painting?
The 2nd of May, 1808
The Mamelukes, under Napoleon's orders, are subduing the riots provoked by the French invasion.
Who were the Carlists?
The Carlists were those who wanted Fernando VII's brother, Carlos, to rule.
Who was Amadeo de Saboya?
He became king of spain after Isabel II abdicated.
Which artistic movement was critical with the Industrial revolution?
Name social classes during the s XIX
Upper class,middle class (bourguesie) and working class
(Google classroom)
What is the name of this painting?
Who is the painter?
What is happening in the painting?
The Third of May, 1808
The French soldiers, under Napoleon, are executing Spanish resistance fighters.
What happend in american colonies in this period?
Spain´s colonies in America gained their independence.
What was the crisis of 98?
Spain's last three colonies became independent: the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.
How is Realism different to Romanticism?
Realism showed everyday life bur romanticism showed beauty,nature and emotions
Who were the upper class?
Who were the bourgeoisie?
Who were working class people?
The upper class were nobles
The bourgeoisie were the upper middle class who owned land and factories.
The working class worked in factories, on land, or as servants.
During the war of independence, where the governing assembly of Spain?
What important document was written there?
What did the document say?
- During the war of independence, the governing assembly was in Cádiz.
- They wrote the Spanish Constitution of 1812, or "La Pepa".
-lees power to monarchy,freedom of press and right for men to vote
In 1874, there was a military coup. What happened to the First Republic? Who ruled after the first Republic?
The First Republic ended, and monarchy was restored. Alfonso XII ruled.
What were the causes of the crisis of 98?
In the 1890's, the U.S. helped with the Cuban independence movement. The U.S. and Spain went to war and Spain lost cuba,Puerto Rico y Filipinas (Asia)
Who was Emilia Pardo Bazán?
He was a famous novelist who wrote about wome´s right and social injustice.
What do you know about the industrial revolution?
It started in Great Britain in 18th century with the invention of the steam engine and produced significant changes in sociaty.