This type of government is ruled by one leader with complete power and is usually military-controlled.
What is a dictatorship?
The great toilet paper shortage of 2020 is an example of this economic term.
What is scarcity?
Wearing a hat on a sunny day is an example of this type of human-environment interaction.
What is adapting?
This landform has water on 3 sides.
What is a peninsula?
The spreading of culture around the world.
What is cultural diffusion?
These 2 types of government are unlimited.
What are dictatorship and absolute monarchy?
Christmas trees at the store after Christmas day. What is the supply and demand like?
Supply is high and demand is low
The number of people living per square mile.
What is population density?
Water between two pieces of land that was made by man.
What is a canal?
When many cultures live in the same area.
What is multiculturalism?
A constitutional monarchy is ruled by one, few, or many?
What is rule by many?
The cashier at McDonald's is an example of this type of Factor of Production.
What is labor (human resource)?
This is an example of a push factor.
Teacher verifies answer
Lines that run north and south but measure east and west.
What is longitude?
The way of life of a group of people with common values and beliefs.
What is culture?
In a democracy, citizens have this right which is also a responsibility.
What is voting?
This type of economy allows some businesses to be privately owned but others are government-run.
What is a socialist or mixed economy?
Building a seawall is an example of this type of human-environment interaction.
What is modify?
This physical geography feature is where urban centers are usually located.
What is along the coast or water?
These 2 elements of HAGGERS are shown at the Museum of Fine Arts.
What are aesthetics and history?
In this type of government, citizens vote for representatives.
What is a republic?
This economic indicator shows the gross domestic product divided by the population.
What is GDP per Capita?
The basic physical and operational structures needed for the operation of a society.
What is infrastructure?
The study of climate, landforms, bodies of water, and natural resources in a region.
What is physical geography?
Building a road is an example of this type of human-environment interaction.
What is modify?