Type of Texts / Reasons for Writing
Story Elements
Reading Terms
Mix & Match
Vocabulary & Dictionary STAAR Questions
This is a text that informs the reader. We can write "I learned..." next to the passage when we "Stop & Jot."
What is an expository text
A person or animal in the story, play , or literary work.
What is a character
This is a type of figurative language that compares two things using the words "like" or "as."
What is a simile
When someone uses what they already know, apply it to an new situation and make an educated guess.
What is an inference
Strike- verb 1. to hit with a hand or an object 2. To crash against 3. To affect suddenly, 4. To come to an agreement Which definition best matches the word strike as it is used in the following paragraph? If you have experienced a moment like this, you know all too well what it means to have stage fright, also known as performance anxiety. It is one of the most common types of fear and tends to strike people when they find themselves at the center of attention. You don’t have to be onstage to get stage fright. People experience this fear when playing sports, giving a business presentation, or even speaking in class.
What is Definition #3: To affect suddenly
Some examples are to persuade, inform, or to entertain
What is the author's purpose
This is where and when a passage takes place.
What is the setting
This is the overall message that the author wants to portray.
What is the theme.
This is the judgement, or opinion, you make after reading a passage and summing up the information.
What is a conclusion
What does the word reenactment mean in the following paragraph? A. A protest in response to an action B. A repetition of an event C. A celebration of a famous person D. A competition involving many participants In 2005, 10 teams of experienced kite fliers staged a reenactment of Walsh’s original and first effort. Unlike the first time, only one of the teams was able to successfully fly a kite across the river. That shows how tremendous Walsh’s achievement really was.
What is Definition 2 (B): A repetition of an event.
What is usually the author's purpose when writing fiction novels or narratives?
What is to entertain
This is the part of a story in which the main problem of a narrative is finally fixed and the outcome is revealed.
What is conflict resolution
This is the speech between characters in a narrative. There are quotation marks around the things said by each character.
What is dialogue
This is something often used in passages to emphasize an important point to the reader or to another character in the story.
What is repetition
In the following sentence, the word reluctantly means…? Carl exits the stage to the right. Mike groans, rolls his eyes, and reluctantly follows him. A. playfully B. impatiently C. admiringly D. unwillingly
What is Definition 4 (D): Unwillingly
This is the attitude that an author has towards the topic that he or she is writing about.
What is the tone
This is the time in the story in which a very significant change occurs.
What is the turning point.
This is when a passage is written in a shortened form and maintains the overall meaning. It usually includes the main idea and condensed supporting details.
What is a summary
This is a perspective of the narrator that helps the reader understand how the narrator is affected. It uses some words, such as "I," "me," and "we."
What is 1st person point of view
catch |ka ch; ke ch | verb 1. to intercept and hold something that has been thrown or propelled 2. to capture a person or animal that tries or would try to escape I had to catch the ball in order for the person to be out. Which definition should match the sentence?
What is Definition 1: to intercept and hold something that has been thrown or propelled
What is the purpose of the following passage? Sandy is the absolute best candidate for student body president! She is honest, friendly and dedicated to making our school a better place. This is YOUR chance to make a positive change! VOTE SANDY IN 2013
What is to persuade
These are the events that happen in order to build up tension for the main conflict, or climax. These events usually make the story more interesting by introducing the possibility of a problem.
What is rising action
This is the feeling that a reader gets while reading a passage. Some examples are gloomy, joyful, or depressing.
What is the mood
This is a perspective in which the narrator tells the story. The reader is often able to get the perspective of many different characters as a whole. There are words used like "he," "she," and "them."
What is 3rd person point of view.
The cat DASHED out of sight and I was unable to catch it. In the previous sentence, dashed means A) jumped B) ran quickly C) fell D) attacked
What is B) ran quickly