Science continued:

Difference between energy transfer and energy transformation.

Energy Transformation is any process of transforming one form of energy to another. Energy Transfer is the process of transfering energy from one body to another


I bought jeans for $100 at 25% off.  What did they cost after the discount?

What is the total discount price plus 10% tax?




Define runoff:

the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of an area of land, a building or structure, etc.


What are the three different states of water?

  • Solid phase: The particles in a solid are strongly bonded to one another. Ice cubes maintain their form regardless of...
  • Liquid phase: The particles are no longer in an ordered state. The bonds between molecules are broken, and the liquid...
  • Gaseous phase: Agitation and disorder are at the maximum level. Water vapor...

How is energy transferred in objects with different temperatures.

Energy is transferred as heat when one object comes in contact with another object at a different temperature. The object with the higher temperature transfers energy as heat to the object with the lower temperature. They transfer the heat back and forth until they reach thermal equilibrium.


Define conduction:

the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.

  • the process by which sound waves travel through a medium.

  • the transmission of impulses along nerves.

  • the conveying of fluid through a pipe or other channel.


How do clouds, fog or mist form?

Clouds and fog both form when water vapor condenses or freezes to form tiny droplets or crystals in the air, but clouds can form at many different altitudes while fog only forms near the ground. Both fog and clouds are formed when water vapor condenses or freezes to form tiny droplets or crystals in the air.


Describe what happens to energy when you touch something hot or cold.

When you touch something that is warmer than you—that is, it has more thermal energy and is therefore at a higher temperature—the flow of energy from the object to you gives you the feeling of becoming warmer. If you touch an object that is cooler than you, some of the thermal energy in your skin is flowing out and into the other object.


Define convection:

the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.


Define condensation:

water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.


What is ambient temperature?

the air temperature of an environment or object. In computing, ambient temperature refers to the air temperature surrounding computing equipment. This measurement is crucial for equipment function and longevity, especially with regard to the microprocessor,...


Define radiation:

the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization.


Define groundwater:

water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.


What is the difference between thermal conductors and thermal insulators?

• Thermal insulators do not transfer energy, but thermal conductors do. • Thermal insulators are mostly made up of large chains of molecules, which are unable to vibrate due to thermal energy, but most of the thermal conductors are made of single atoms or lattice shaped compounds, which are able to vibrate.


Define transpiration: 

(of a plant or leaf) give off water vapor through the stomata.


Define convection:

the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.