Informational Text
Author Work

2. Based on Passage 1, which of the following is correct about Athenian society?

A. Athens was the first culture to be ruled by democracy


4. Which of the following is a main idea of Passage 1?

B. Athenian men had more public roles in society than women did.


3. Based on the information in Passage 1, what is an agora?

B. A public market
1. Which sentence from Passage 1 introduces a topic that is not further developed in the passage?

B. "Removing an olive tree from the ground was a criminal offense." (Paragraph 3)


5. In Passage 2, what was most likely the author's purpose in including information about Sparta's agoge system?

D. To emphasize the culture's overall focus on its people growing up strong and healthy


6. Read this sentence from Passage 2.

"Girls left the house infrequently and learned only basic reading and math at home." (Paragraph 8)

What does the word infrequently mean as it is used in Passage 2?

D. Seldomly


7. Part A

Based on information in Passage 2, what best describes the life of healthy Spartan boys?

A. They faced many challenging demands.


9. Which statement best expresses the author's point of view about the difference between Athens and Sparta?

D. While Athens focused on enriching its people's minds, Sparta emphasized the need for military strength.


What does personification mean?

Hint: It is one of types of figurative language examples we went over.

A literary device that gives human characteristics to nonhuman things or inanimate objects


7. Part B

Which detail from the passage best supports the answer in Part A?
B. The boys did not have many comforts in military camp.

10. Which idea in Passage 2 does the author support in Passage 1?

B. Men and women had very different roles in ancient Greek society.


When talking about word parts, what are affixes?

Affixes are parts of words that are added to a root and change the root's meaning or part of speech. 

Suffixes and Prefixes


8. Which sentence from Passage 2 best supports the inference that those with no citizenship rights became more powerful than the Spartans had anticipated?

D. "Sparta was divided and no longer able to rely on its selective educational system to maintain its power." (paragraph 10)


What is the difference between the central idea and the theme of a text?

The central idea is the main idea of the text.

Theme is a message, moral, or lesson the author wants us to take away.


How do you use context clues to determine the meaning of an unknown word?

Read the sentence that comes before and after the word, look at the word to determine if it has word parts you now (prefix/suffix/root), substitute the word in the text with what you think means to see if it makes sense.