When certain locations around the world don't get enough precipitation they suffer thru
Water that is released by plants as a form of water vapor is known as
What is transpiration?
What do you need to begin the water cycle
What is the sun and water
A solid form of water that sometimes floats on water like in Alaska
What is a glacier?
These animals once drank the same water that we do
When the sun heats up liquids all over the world and then turns into water vapor-- liquid to a gas
What is evaporation?
What objects are formed when water vapor condenses
What are clouds?
In what stage does water vapor (gas) turn back into a liquid?
What is condensation?
Water is constantly doing this
Double Jeopardy What are the 5 forms of condensation that may be seen
What are frost, fog, mist, dew, clouds?
Double Jeopardy Process in which water moves from the surface of Earth to the air and then back again.
What is water cycle?
Double Jeopardy.
What is another name for the Water Cycle?
What is the Hydrologic Cycle?
In which stage does water fall back to earth?
What is precipitation?
Water that starts on the surface but seeps or does down in the ground
What is percolation?
What are the 4 forms of precipitation?
What is rain, snow, sleet, and hail?
When a gas changes into a liquid
What is condensation?
Double Jeopardy
In which area would the rate of evaporation of water be the lowest-
Mountains, Oceans, Deserts
What are deserts?
I provide the heat and the water cycle couldn't happen without me
What is the Sun?
Double Jeapordy
What do you get when you have rain falling through a very cold pocket of air before it reaches the ground?
What is sleet/hail or snow?
When precipitation moves into the oceans, lakes, rivers, and groundwater
What is runoff?
Which is an example of precipitation?
Dew, Fog, Frost, Hail
What is Hail?
Double Jeopardy
What are the five big stages of the water cycle?
What is water, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, runoff
The flow of water that is underground is known as
What is groundwater?
Double Jeopardy
What are the the two types of condensation that collect one the ground or on car windshields without a form of precipitation
What is dew and frost?