What two class periods is advisory (B-Time) between?
second and third period
If your last name is A-L, who is your counselor?
Ms. Rullman
When do you have to wear your school ID?
What do you do if the teacher is not at the door to greet you before class?
Line up along the wall outside the classroom door and wait patiently
Where do you wait for your bus after school (if it hasn't arrived yet?
Can I share my locker with my friend?
If your last name starts with M-Z, who is your counselor
Ms. Walker
Can I run in the hallway if I am late for class?
Where will your Launch folder live? How do you get it each day?
In your backpack. Make sure to bring it EVERY DAY!
How do you know what lunch you have?
assigned by 4th period teacher/class
If you are having a problem with your laptop, who should you go see?
Mr. Arango (the "tech")
What is our principals name?
Mr. Hobratsch
My Mom text me. Does that make it okay to get my phone out and respond (without teacher permission)?
No way
How do you borrow materials when needed
Ask the teacher
What time does 5th period start?
1:42 pm
When can I go to the bathroom?
between classes & after first 10 min of class with teacher approval
If your last name is A-L, who is your AP?
Mrs. Rodriguez
Im cold and I really want to cover my head. Can I put my hood on?
absolutely... not
What should your voice level be when you are working in groups?
2- table talk (I should not hear you across the room)
How long is passing period?
4 minutes
True or false
You can use any restroom you want when going during the class period
If your last name is M-Z, who is your AP?
Mr. Taras
If you are a car rider or walker, where do you exit at the end of the day?
Through the commons
What three supplies will you need on your desk every day
Pencil, binder, and laptop