Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Random Religion Questions

Famous for preaching to animals and having the honor of obtaining stigmata

Who is St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)


A baptized man is ordained by a bishop to serve the Church as a deacon, priest, or bishop

What are Holy Orders


The parable of a younger son squandering his father's inheritance but his father accepting him with opened arms

What is the Prodigal Son (or Lost Son)


A word we usually use at the end of our prayers; means "I believe" or "So it is"

What is amen


An ancient law that can be defined as "an eye for an eye"

What is Hammurabi's Code

The second appointed King of Israel after King Saul

Who is King David


Place of worship in Jerusalem that contained the Ark of the Covenant

What is the Temple


The name of the sin that Adam and Eve caused

What is Original Sin


The second son of King David and Bathsheba, eventually became King of Israel

Who is King Solomon


The name of the philosopher whose nickname meant "broad;" famous for a cave

Who is Plato


Jesus gave him the keys to the Kingdom

Who is St. Peter


A sign of God's power (both healing and terrifying), one of the four elements

What is water


The name of the woman whom King David seduced

Who is Bathsheba

BONUS for DOUBLE: name of her first husband who was sent to the front lines


King David is accredited for writing about half of these; the longest Book in the Bible

What is Psalms (or Book of Psalms)


The mother of Emperor Constantine, was said to have found "the True Cross" on her pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Who is St. Helena (248-328)


The prophet who appointed the second King of Israel

Who is the Prophet Samuel


A symbolic prayer, blessing, object, or action instituted by the Church that can lead us to a fuller participation in the grace of the Sacraments

What is sacramental


She died at the age of 12 after continually praying for her mother who left the Church; her feast day is January 22nd

Who is Blessed Laura Vicuna (1891-1904)


Honor and respect to God -- we can show this by praying the psalms

What is reverence


Who we accredit our current calendar with

Who is Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604)


The true Kingdom coming about

What is when Christ comes again (or the Second Coming)


Was said to have heard confessions for 16 hours a day, was the parish priest of Ars, France

Who is St. John Vianney (1786-1859)


The unique gift of God's love that we receive in each Sacrament

What is sacramental grace


The famous Psalm that is believed even Jesus prayed; famous for its line, "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me"

What is Psalm 23


The Fifth Commandment

What is, "You shall not kill"