Main & Helping Verbs
Action Verbs &
Linking Verbs
Direct/Indirect Objects
Regular/Irregular Verbs
Predicate Adj/Nouns
Identify the helping verb and main verb in the sentence: She is taking piano lessons.
What is Main verb is TAKING and helping verb is IS
Define the difference between linking verbs and action verbs.
What is action verbs show action and linking verbs show a state of being, linking the subject in the sentence to information about that subject
What is a direct a object?
What is the direct object receives the action in the sentence (answers What?)
Correct past tense of seek
What is sought?
Identify the predicate adjective in the following sentence: Mrs. Heuer was happy that everyone passed the social studies test last week.
What is happy?
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: Mr. Chou was watching the Panthers beat the Broncos during the Superbowl.
What is was?
Identify the linking verb in the following sentence: Han Solo became frustrated with Luke's attitude.
What is became?

Definition for indirect object.

What is indirect object is the noun or pronoun affected by the action in the sentence (answers To Whom? For Whom?)

The correct verb tense in the following sentence: Oliver Queen (has hidden/has hid) his identity as the Green Arrow for the past 3 years.
What is has hidden?
Identify the predicate noun in the following sentence: Our science teacher is Mr. Chou.
What is Mr Chou?
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: In the morning, Gabby could have been looking over her notes for the test.
What is could, have & been
Identify the linking verb in the following sentence: After the basketball game, we were sweaty.
What is were?

The indirect object in this sentence: She gave me an orange.

What is ME?

Barry Allen, The Flash, (ran/has running) so fast that he traveled back in time.
What is ran?
Identify predicate adjective or predicate noun in the sentence: That dress looks PERFECT on you!
What is predicate adjective?
Identify the main and helping verbs in the sentence. The Carolina Panthers are winning the game!
What is helping: ARE main: WINNING
Identify the linking verb(s) in the following sentence and ALSO state what is being "linked": Yesterday, the cookies tasted delicious, but now they are moldy.
What is tasted & are (linking verb) Cookies linked to delicious and they linked to moldy

The Direct Object in the following sentence: Tony Stark ate an apple for breakfast.

What is apple?

The correct form of the verb in sentence 3. 1 "Janie taken out the trash already," her mother said. 2 "Did she write a note to Grandma yet?" asked Dad. 3 She will call as soon as she could," Dad replied. A. write B. wrote C. was writing D. will write
What is wrote
Identify predicate adjective or predicate noun in the sentence: Mrs. Ambrose seems BUSY at the moment.
What is predicate adjective?
Identify the helping verb(s) in the following sentence: Batman would have been winning against Superman if he had Kryptonite.
What is would, have, & been
Identify the action verb AND the subject in the following sentence: Mrs. Ambrose should have listened to the instructions from the Mr. Etlen.
What is action = listened and subject = Mrs. Ambrose.

Identify the direct object and indirect object in the following sentence: Captain America texted Iron Man a message this morning.

What is Direct = message; Indirect=Iron Man

The correct form of the verb in sentence 1. 1 "Janie taken out the trash already," her mother said. 2 "Did she write a note to Grandma yet?" asked Dad. 3 She will call as soon as she could," Dad replied. A. will take B. was taking C. has taken D. have taken
What is C. has taken
The Broncos will be the LOSERS of the Superbowl game.
What is predicate noun?