Vocabulary Ch.1-20
Spelling Words
Vocabulary Ch. 21-28

What does the word obedient mean?

Complying with authority, willing to obey


Your teacher will read a spelling word aloud. Work together with your team to spell the word on your white board...



What does the word astonished mean?

very surprised 


Write the following sentence correctly: 

i like basketball but baseball is my favorite sport

I like basketball, but baseball is my favorite sport. 


After watching the Pixar short story, your team needs to identify the exposition of the story.


What does the word scarce mean?

in limited supply 


Your teacher will read TWO spelling words aloud. Work together with your team to spell the words on your white board...

1) entice

2) celebration


What does the word paranoid mean?

overly suspicious


Write the following sentence correctly: 

What time is it asked Grant. 

"What time is it?" asked Grant. 


After watching the Pixar short story, your team needs to identify the resolution of the story.


What does the word compatible mean?

able to get along or work well together


Your teacher will read THREE spelling words aloud. Work together with your team to spell the words on your white board...

1) malice 

2) justice 

3) generation


What does the word regulation mean?

a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.


Rewrite the sentences below and place a comma in the correct location. 

1) No I'm not busy tonight. 

2) Callie wants to be a doctor so she is taking her education very seriously. 

3) Today's date is Friday September 29th 2022. 

1) No, I'm not busy tonight. 

2) Callie wants to be a doctor, so she is taking education very seriously. 

3) Today's date is Friday, September 29th, 2022. 


After watching the Pixar short story, your team needs to identify the conflict of the story.


What does the word inquire mean?

to ask about


Your teacher will read FOUR spelling words aloud. Work together with your team to spell the word on your white board...

1) Prejudice 

2) Accomplice 

3) Communication

4) Transformation


What does the word sabotage mean?

damaging or destroying


Write the following sentence correctly: 

the Teecher stood at the front of the Classroom and yelled dont forget to do you're homewurk!

The teacher stood at the front of the classroom and yelled, "Don't forget to do your homework!"


After watching the Pixar short story, your team needs to identify the climax of the story.


What does the word gingerly mean?

with extreme care or caution


Your teacher will read FIVE  spelling word aloud. Work together with your team to spell the words on your white board...

1) Justice 

2) Solstice  

3) Discrimination

4) Negotiation

5) Assumption


What does the word uncanny mean?

strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation


Write the following sentence correctly: 

Are you goin to the homecoming game asked Nathan. 

No said Tessa. I wont be at the homecoming game but i will bee attending the homecoming danse.

"Are you going to the homecoming game?" asked Nathan.

"No," said Tessa. "I won't be at the homecoming game, but I will be attending the homecoming dance."


After watching the Pixar short story, your team needs to identify both the rising AND falling action of the story.