Old Testament
Our Catholic Faith
Saints & Houses
St. Mike's
Virtuous Living

Name the four categories of the Old Testament books. 

What are: 

Pentateuch (The Law), Historical, Wisdom and Prophets


The three different vocations.

What are Married Life, Priesthood, Religious Life.


This Saint is the patron saint of Catholic schools, educators/teachers, loss of parents, widows, orphans, and people rejected/persecuted for their faith.

Who is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Beginning in August 1881 when five Catholic sisters were given a “temporary” convent school in a shack on Ninth Street in Olympia, it has grown into a modern building on Tenth Street near Boundary. What does this building "house" today?

What is St. Michael Parish School


Treating other people with respect, recognizing that all are made in God's image and likeness. 

What is Courtesy


List in order and name the five books included in the Pentateuch.

What are Genesis, Exodus, Levitcus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 


Name the 7 Sacraments. 

What are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.


This Saint is remembered today as the patron of musicians, composers, instrument makers, and poets.

Who is St. Cecilia


This teacher started working at St. Mike's in 1986 and enjoys theater, especially Shakespeare, reading, cooking, movies, and spending time with their son and three dogs.

Who is Mr. Hart


Expressing genuine concern about the well-being of others; anticipating their needs. 

What is Kindness


Identify the five forms of prayer in the Old Testament. 

What are blessing/adoration; petition; intercession; thanksgiving; and praise.


What are the five Luminous Mysteries?

What are the Baptism of Jesus; Wedding Feast at Cana; Proclamation of the Kingdom of God; The Transfiguration; and the Institution of the Eucharist.


This Saint was a young, uneducated nun in a convent of the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Poland during the 1930s. She is the Patron Saint of Gratitude in the Family.

Who is St. Faustina


This teacher has been teaching grades K-3 for 31 years, and has an endorsement in Music Education. This teacher has been at St. Mike's for 21 years!

Who is Ms. Petruska


Truthfulness in words and actions; honestly and enthusiasm towards others. 

What is Sincerity


Name the Ten Commandments, and where they can be found in the Old Testament. 

Exodus 20 or Deuteronomy 5

1.You shall have no other Gods

2.You shall not make idols

3.You shall not say the Lord's name in vain

4.Remember the Sabbath

5.Honor your Father and Mother

6.You shall not murder

7.Be faithful in marriage

8.You shall not steal

9.You shall not bear false witness to your neighbor

10.Do not what anything that belongs to someone else


Identify at least five different ways we can experience prayer.

• Silent prayer • Meditation • Lectio Divina • Rosary • Stations of the Cross • The Examen • Prayers of blessing/adoration, praise, intercession, thanksgiving, petition • One or more decades of the Rosary • Our Father (Lord’s Prayer) • Hail Mary • Liturgy of the Hours • Spontaneous Prayer using “You, Who, Do Through” sequence


This picture, from 1890 is what? 

Saint Michael's Church - in 1890, a new, larger structure was built, at the northeast corner of the block. 



This staff member is in their 25th year at St. Mike's. They graduated from Saint Martin's College. They've held various roles including librarian, teacher, development coordinator.  

Who is Mrs. Quebedeaux


Taking the steps necessary to carry out objectives in spite of difficulties. 

What is Perseverence


Name 12 significant Old Testament timeline events that were included on our class Chess board. (A black tile does not count!)

Creation, Adan & Eve, Noah's Arc, Tower of Babel, Abraham, Moses, Burning Bush, Exodus, 10 Commandments, David, King Solomon, Joshua and Jericho, Elijah & Elisha, Jonah, Mary, Nativity/Christmas, Annunciation, Baptism of Jesus, Transfiguration, Last Supper, Carrying of Cross, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension. 


This is worth double points if one person from your team can stand and recite one of the following prayers: 

Act of Faith


Apostles Creed

Prayer for Peace

???? Check Prayer Packet ???


Name 10 of the 12 Saint Houses and the color of their shirt.

What are 

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Teal

St. Faustina - Burgundy 

St. Francis of Assisi - Green

St. Maximillian Kolbe - Red

St. Teresa of Calcutta - Blue

St. Therese of Lisieux - Gray

St. Vincent de Paul - Dark Green

St. Kateri Tekakwitha - Yellow

St. Thomas More - Purple

St. Gemma Galgani - White

St. Cecilia - Light Blue

Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati - Black 


This person has been at St. Mike's supporting our school  for 27 years. They're credited for sharing this story: "About 20 years ago, I heard a talk to teens from a priest—Father John. He talked about “being and acting differently.” At that point in his talk, I thought he would challenge the teens about their actions and attitudes. Instead, what he said was this: “When people ask you, ‘How are you?’ Don’t simply say, ‘Oh, fine, you know.’ Rather, say, ‘I am blessed.’” That was it. “I am blessed.” You see, ever since then, I have consciously tried to respond to that simple, everyday question, “How are you,” with the response, “I am blessed.” Why? Because I am."

Who is Father Jim Lee


Serenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others

What is Meekness