This is the half of the Bible that existed as an oral tradition until it was written down around 100 B.C.
Old Testament
This is the people whose history is recorded in the Old Testament
Jewish people
This is how many books are in the Old Testament
This is the number of creation stories in the Bible
this refers to all that God has taught about himself and his will for his people
This is the half of the Bible that was written down around 100 A.D.
New Testament
This is the other name for the Jewish people
This is the type of books the first five in the Old Testament are, focused on telling people how God wants them to live
Law books
This is how long it took God to create everything in the first creation story
7 (6 + rest)
This is beliefs and practices that have been passed down throughout the ages
Whose words were used to write the Bible
This is the person prophesized about in the Old Testament and who appears in the New Testament
This is the type of books the next 16 in the Old Testament are, focused on the story of the Hebrew people
Historical books
This is the job that God gave to humans
Be stewards of the Earth
Other than tradition, this is where revelation is found
This is the name for the Jewish Bible
This is the first book in the Old Testament
This is the type of books the next 7 in the Old Testament are, focused on telling people how to live wisely
Wisdom books
This is what was different about how God made humans in the second creation story
Man first, woman later
This refers to the Holy Spirit helping us to understand God's words in the Bible
This is how many books are in the Bible.
These are the scroll fragments of the Old Testament that were discovered near Qumran in 1947
Dead Sea Scrolls
This is the type of books the last 18 books in the Old Testament are, focused on the prophets and their message's to God's people
Prophetic books
Other than intelligence, this is what God gifted humans which allows them to choose between good or evil
free will
This means "five scrolls" and refers to the first five books in the Bible