In Greek mythology, this king of the gods ruled from Mount Olympus.
Who is Zeus?
This city-state was known for its democratic government.
What is Athens?
This Egyptian god of the sun was believed to travel across the sky during the day and through the underworld at night.
Who is Ra?
This female pharaoh expanded trade networks and commissioned grand architectural projects, including her famous temple at Deir el-Bahari.
Who is Hatshepsut?
This pair of rivers was essential to the development of ancient Mesopotamian civilization.
What are the Tigris and Euphrates?
The Peloponnesian War was fought between
Who is Athens and Sparta?
Unlike Athens, Sparta was ruled by this type of government, which had two kings.
What is an oligarchy?
Osiris was the god of this realm, where souls were judged after death.
What is the underworld?
King Tutankhamun is famous today because of this discovery made by Howard Carter in 1922.
What is his tomb?
Unlike Mesopotamia, which had unpredictable floods, this civilization relied on the Nile River’s predictable flooding for agriculture.
What is Egypt?
The Greeks introduced this international sporting event, which is still held today every four years.
What are the Olympic Games?
In Athens, male citizens could participate in this form of government where they voted directly on laws.
What is direct democracy?
The god of chaos and storms, who killed Osiris and battled Horus, was this deity.
Who is Set?
containers that were used by the ancient Egyptians during the mummification process
What are Canopic jars?
The term "Mesopotamia" means this in Greek, referring to its location between two rivers
What is "land between the rivers"?
Name 5 labors that Hercules faced along his journey
answers will vary
Unlike Athenian women, Spartan women had more rights, including the ability to own ___
What is land/property?
Known for his military conquests and monumental architecture inspired by himself
Who is Ramses the Great?
King Tutankhamun reversed many of the religious changes made by this pharaoh, restoring the traditional Egyptian gods.
Who is Akhenaten?
The Greek landscape, filled with mountains and islands, made it difficult to unite under one government, leading to the development of these independent units.
What are city-states?
This island was a Athenian military ally during the Peloponnesian War
Who is Sicily/Syracuse?
The famous Athenian philosopher who taught through questioning and was later sentenced to death.
Who is Socrates?
Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of this falcon-headed god associated with kingship and protection.
Who is Horus?
The tomb of Ramses II is located in this famous burial site for New Kingdom pharaohs.
What is the Valley of the Kings?
The flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates was unpredictable, often leading to disasters. This forced Mesopotamians to develop advanced
What are irrigation canals?