What is a habit?
Habit 1
Habit 2
Habit 3
Habit 4

Give one example of a healthy habit. 

Ex: Exercising regularly


What is Habit #1?

Be Proactive


What is Habit #2?

Begin With the End In Mind


What is Habit #3?

Put First Things First


What is Habit #4?

Think Win-Win

Give one example of an unhealthy habit. 

Ex: Blaming others


Give one example of proactive language or behavior. 

Ex: I have a test at the end of the week. I study a little bit each day leading up to it so I am prepared. 


What is one goal you have for yourself?

Ex: Graduating high school


What are some of your most important jobs/responsibilities?

Ex: Chores


What doe it mean to think win-lose?

“I’m going to beat you no matter what.” Concerned with themselves first and others last.


Are all habits healthy/unhealthy? Or do some not matter?

If so, why? (or give an example)

Some don't matter because they don't really affect you. 

Ex: eating yogurt with a fork


Give one example of reactive behavior. 

Ex: Jason was playing football at recess. He dropped the ball and lost his team the point. He started yelling at his teammates that they were not playing right.


What does it mean to begin with the end in mind?

To think about how you would like something to turn out before getting it started.


What is something that is fun and relaxing, but may get in the way of the important things you need to do?

Ex: Video Games


What is a win-win mindset?

"Lets find a solution that works for both of us." Searching for solutions that will make everyone happy. 


What is a habit?

Something you do repeatedly and you might not even think about. 


What does proactive mean? 

Acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes. To take responsibility of your choices and behaviors. 


What is one way you can plan ahead this week?

Any example 


What does it mean to procrastinate?

To put off or delay doing something.


What does it mean to "fill your friends bucket"?

Ex: Being kind, and considerate. 


How can you replace an unhealthy habit with a healthy one?

Replace biting my finger nails by using a fidget. 


Apply this habit to real life. How can this be beneficial towards you?

-improve relationship with friends

-get along with parents

-make smarter decisions

-overcome negative coping skills


Give an example of a goal, and describe the steps you would have to take to accomplish the goal. 

Ex: Get straight A's this coming school year.


-Do all my homework

-Do all my classwork

-Participate in class


What does it mean to put first things first?

Planning your time around the important things you need to get done.


Give an example of a win-win solution and a lose-lose solution. 

What is the difference?

Win-win makes everyone happy. Lose-lose is focused on taking other people down with them.